Sparks fly

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In front of you was a ladder. Ladders equal situations, specifically who should climb first. Neither of you knew what lay ahead.

"I think I should go first." Leon said

"I don't listen to men's decisions." You started climbing the ladder

"Women." He scoffed

"You're the one that acts more like a female with your mood swings."

"Says the one that hides behind me for protection." He laughs

You made it to the top of the ladder standing on the even ground. Suddenly an axe is thrown near your head barely missing.

"Leon, I think you should've came up here first!" You look around finding nowhere safe

"Calm down give me a minute." You heard him climbing up

"I could be dead by then." You gulped as villagers began to yell rushing towards you

"You're clearly still alive." He stood next to you shooting at villagers

This whole area was made of wood. Everywhere here is a fire hazard. It was certainly windy enough to put a chill in the air. Like the villagers didn't send a chill down your spine already. Leon's gun was going off almost constantly. Definitely an ambush.

"You stay here, let me clear the area." Leon looked at you

"What if they come up here?" You asked

"Then scream bloody murder." He chuckled while smiling

"Be serious for once in your life Kennedy." You rolled your eyes

"If they come up here, use this." He hands you a knife

You recognized it immediately. The one Marvin gave him. It shocked you that he still had this. But before you could say anything he jumped down searching the area and shooting enemies. The gun shots rung through the air. Your hands trembled without him nearby. He was what kept you safe.

Someone yelling got closer to you. Looking around you couldn't see anyone until they came from behind and had their arms secured around your waist. You struggled trying to get out of their hold but couldn't. You didn't want to use the knife but it was all you had. You sliced his arms making him let go and groan in pain. But that didn't make him stop, only angry. He ran at you which caused you and him to fly off of the platform. You hit the dirt and laid on your back. That definitely hurt.

The man on top of you wasn't moving. You looked down seeing that you've stabbed him in the chest. His blood dripping onto your clothes. You screamed realizing what you've done. Not that you haven't done gruesome things, you didn't realize your life would go back to this.

"Hey are you okay?" Leon pushed the man off of you seeing the knife that killed him

"I-I killed him." You stuttered in shock

"You did what you had to do. It was self-defense." He crouched down looking into your eyes

"I didn't have to do this, he was a human and could've had a family." You felt tears coming to your eyes thinking about it

"Y/n, I don't think they're humans anymore. They're being controlled." Leon sighed

"Then we have to find who caused this. Maybe we can-"

Leon kissed you before you could finish your rambling. His lips were sweet like honey. You couldn't resist kissing him back. Sparks fly when your lips mold together. The kiss was passionate showing this is what you both felt was right. Leon pulled away first but not far from your face. You could feel his breath on your lips. His ocean blue eyes stared into your (e/c) ones.

"Ready the go?" He smiled

His beautiful smile made your heart speed up more than it already has from the kiss. It was so genuine that it warmed your heart. How could you live so many years without him? You want him in your future. More like need him.

"As long as you're here." You replied

"Can't get rid of me that easily." He helped you stand up

"You leave all the time." You laughed grabbing the knife

"I always come back. That has to count for something." He began to walk ahead of you

"Don't jinx yourself Leon Kennedy."

"I'll be fine." He chuckled

"What are we looking for?" You asked

"A hexagon with something that looks like a bird on it." He replied

You both looked around this wooden village area. Suddenly villagers jumped down, probably from the heavens.

"Leon watch out!" You yelled pulling Leon away from a molotov cocktail

He stood in front of you shielding you. His arm lifted up protecting his face. The villagers laughed but right after got a bullet to the head. One stood back and Leon kicked them in the head making a crushed sound.

"Not bad, right?" He joked

"Always trying to impress the ladies." You rolled your eyes

You looked around the roof you both stood on. Leon found the hexagon and grabbed it. Then you guys climbed down the ladder him first, after the incident earlier you doubted being safe. Villagers yelled being angry at what you guys have taken. To make yourself feel better you had to think like Leon. They aren't human anymore.

While Leon attacked them you admired Leon's new moves. You always act not impressed but really you are. After so many years you didn't expect him to turn into this. Not that you didn't like it though. Suddenly hands wrapped around your neck making it hard to breathe. You struggled until a bullet barely missed your head.

"You shot without hesitation!" You stood shocked

"Actually I hesitated, maybe stop squirming so much next time." He smirked

"What was I supposed to do!?"

"Use the knife. Or flip him over you to make him lose his grip." He jumped out of the broken window

He stood on the other side watching you carefully to make sure you didn't get hurt on the glass. You both walked out of the wooden village and made your way back to the merchant. Leon bought more ammo from him. Once done you watched him place the hexagon in place and twist the wheel. The barricade opened revealing the door.

"Ready to continue the adventure?" Leon looked at you

His eyes held hope just like in Raccoon city. He's changed but has he really? Because so much reminds you of his younger self. No matter how much he changes your feelings will never change. Those beautiful blue eyes will always draw you into a deep love spell. His lips will remind you of his sweet personality only to you. Finally him physically being with you will forever make you feel complete. What can you say, sparks fly like this is what fate has chosen for you both.


1129 words

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