[Chapter 31]

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I was shocked..i didn't know what to do or say, i was just standing there staring at them.

I felt my throat getting dry and cold sweat running down my neck. I gulped and nodded slightly

Pansy: I uh-

Mrs. Parkinson: Me and your father have been talking and we think it's time for you to join us Pansy.

I grew pale feeling her hand on my shoulder.

I didn't know what to say, and I was more afraid of saying no then agreeing to this.

Pansy: I was never told about this- I can't-

Mrs. Parkinson: oh but you can. And you will.

I didn't have to look at her to know she was sarcastically smiling, I could practically feel it. I saw how much Barty Crouch grinned, and I knew it pleased him to know he was accomplishing this for the dark lord.

Pansy: I can't.

I said moving away.

Mr. Parkinson: now don't be foolish. Yes you can!

He said raising his voice. I clenched my jaw and shook my head not knowing how to respond.

He came up to me grabbing my wrist forcefully putting my sleeve up.

Mr. Parkinson: Go on! Give it to her!

I teared up immediately and he held me down. I moved as hard as I could as I saw him placing his wand on my arm. I let out screams trying to move away.

Pansy: Stop it- Stop it!

Mrs. Parkinson: enough!

I let my sobs escape, I let my tears flow down my cheeks and my cheeks to flush a dark pink.

I sobbed and tried to catch my breath as my hair covered my face.

Mr. Parkinson: Wreched Bitch.

He Spat. They all stared at me before my mother shooed them off to the kitchen.

Mrs.Parkinson: I'm not saying I don't love you... but I don't see or claim you as a daughter.

She said before she had walked into there as well. I covered my face and sniffed moving my hair out the way getting up and rushing to my room locking my door.

My hands shook as I opened a bag stuffing in clothes and all the small things I need. I rushed into leaving and tears began to stream down again as I felt my anxiety kick in.

I grabbed my shoes and bag before quickly apperating to a empty large field. I turned and saw a small forest and began to walk in there. I followed a half empty trail and walked more and more till my legs couldn't anymore.

Pansy: where the fuck is it?

I said quite loud agitated and nervous.

I looked over to see a half damaged path and furrows my eyebrows getting up.

I walked through it pushing branches and tree branches out the way until I finally saw it.

My family's cottage, we owned multiple but this one was forgotten after the first attack. It was in good shape just rusted up a little.

I examined it before walking towards it and put my hand on the knob slowly turning it.

I opened the door and walked in seeing how dusty and empty it was.

I walked in and closed the door behind me looking at the room. Incase anything happened I wanted to leave it to seem like I wasn't here.

I walked up the stairs and looked at the family pictures that were framed on the wall.

I walked into my old bedroom which wasn't as dirty and put my things down.

I took a deep breath and sat on the edge of my bed taking everything in. I looked around and layed on my bed tense making sure I was alert incase anything happened.

I sighed and grabbed my wand doing a cleaning spell on my sheets to atleast make sure I wasn't sleeping on something dusty.

I changed out of my clothes and opened my bag grabbing sweats and a t shirt changing into it and grabbed a tooth brush before heading into the bathroom.

I got ready and walked out quietly before laying in bed and relaxed. I closed my eyes and thought about Draco, and how he'd make sure I was okay.

I smiled to myself and hugged my pillow thinking before i drifted off to sleep, taking a nap.

I woke up two hours later because of a nightmare and rubbed my eyes and taking deep breathes to calm down.

I looked around realizing where I was and i let out a sigh. So it wasn't just a nightmare..

I need to take a shower, im so sweaty and my heart is still racing like crazy.

I stood up and walked in the bathroom, taking off my clothes and turning on the water.

Fuck it's cold-

I got in and whimpered softly

Pansy: s-shit-

Once I was done i walked back to my bedroom and changed into clean clothes and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the drawers and they were empty.

What am i even gonna do? I have only a few money with me.. maybe i can buy a few things to eat like veggies, fruits and maybe some meat?

I can't tell Draco what's happening, i don't want him to worry. He is already stressed and has his own demons to fight, he doesn't need to worry about mines as well.

I sighed and went to my room, grabbing a quill and a paper and wrote a letter

Dear Draco

I wanted to tell you about my day..once j got home my parents were waiting for me with Barty Crouch Jr..they tried to give me the mark but fortunately my mother stopped them. I ran away..i'm now at one of my family's cottages and i'm fine. I already miss you and hope you are alright.

With love

I fold it and flicked my wand, apparating my owl to me and i tied the letter gently on its leg and gave them a treat before telling it to go to the malfoy manor and give it to Draco.

Once it flew out of the window i grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me, going to the library and taking one of the many books to read while i was waiting for my owl to return with Draco's response.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 "𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭" 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 |𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now