good traits—
observant: she can be pretty observant.

suspicious things before others and keeps her eyes out— never really saying anything to set the others off until she's sure.

realistic: she knows what the world is like and chooses to live in the reality of it all with a heavy heart. she hates death but accepts it, she works, goes to school and even does homework when she's not tired. escaping to a false reality can be damaging, she thinks and avoids it.

considerate: she may appear closed off and bored, but she's very considerate and open minded (sorta). she takes in many things, and listens to all possible outcomes before she makes decisions, she considers other people's feelings and opinions.

polite: she's extremely polite. it's rare for her to come across as rude at first meetings or anything like that, unless she's ticked off about something.

curious: her curiosity and suspicion pair well together. she can't help but be curious. she's strangely curious about devils, fiends, blood and other supernatural things that seemed to change society. she's a science freak.

fearless: she's not totally fearless, but she has faced quite a few devils and can hold her own in a fight without wanting to turn and run in the opposite direction. she knows what it's like to be in fear, and that's what makes her so "fearless".

bad traits—
judgmental: she tells herself constantly that she shouldn't be, but she is. she makes up scenarios in her head about a person before she gets to know them. usually based off appearances or even impressions.

little arrogant: she's young and arrogant. she's a devil hunter in high school with cool powers that will bring her death quicker and quicker. though, she once got arrogant with master kishibe, and he promptly kicked her ass and put her back in her place.

jealous: doesn't matter what. she has a decent life, but she gets jealous when she sees cute couples, large friends group or even families being happy. she hates that she gets so agitated by it and has to remind herself that she can't risk getting close to anyone.

harsh: this is where her keen sense of reality comes in. she tends to say things the way they need to be said, and without much emotion other than an harsh tone that leaves the heart racing and the mind twisting in thought. she comes across harsh only when she cares.

reserved: it's the scientist in her. she likes her peace and quite. she doesn't mind (sometimes) being alone, and even goes out to do things by herself when she feels like it.

submissive: remember when kishibe put her back in her place!? yeah didn't take much. she is easily spooked by higher authority and while she does challenge every now and then, she usually follows orders.

mentions: sarcastic, jokester, impulsive and reasonable.

flaws—can be sarcastic and usually comes across as rude when she's playing

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can be sarcastic and usually comes across as rude when she's playing.
tends to tear up and cry when she's not even sad; only when passionate
doesn't speak up when she knows she should.
when she's genuinely scared, she gets loud and starts to boss people around and panic without meaning to.

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