Part 1

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Silence. That's all this new world has to offer. When the dead come to life, they attack what they can in hopes of getting any remaining flesh. Living alone in this world most certainly isn't for the weak. 

For the past two months, I've been living alone deep in the woods of Georgia. The dead coming to life took everything from me. I avoided going to my Uncle's farm in fear that it too was overrun. 

Before the world turned into what it was, I was a week from finishing school to become a doctor. I was about to enter the best part of my life and then it was ripped away like nothing had happened. 

I had run home, grabbed everything necessary, grabbed my bow and arrows, and took off to my Uncle's home in Atlanta. When I arrived, the dead had taken over and a majority of homes had been burned to the ground. 

Avoiding any noise that could be made, I stumble across a group of people approaching one of the tents that contained a dead man. I watch as a redneck steps out with a disgusted look. "I could've told you not to go in there." I announce startling the group causing three guns and a crossbow to be aimed my direction. 

I look between the group and notice there's three women, a child, and four men. "Well, if you're gonna shoot me, do it already." I grumble crossing my arms. "Who are you?" one of the men with dark black hair asks. "Alexis Monroe." I answer nervously.

The man looks from me to the sheriff next to him. "What are you doing out here? Anyone else with you?" the sheriff asks. "No. Just me. I've been staying in a tent about a mile from here, by the river." I answer not wanting to cause any problems. 

One woman steps forward, "Have you seen a little girl out here? She got lost yesterday." the woman asks sadly. "No. I haven't seen or heard anyone out here since that guy there blew his brains out." I answer. "I'm more than happy to help you search for her though." I add.

I watch as the group looks between one another before the sheriff, the man with black hair, and the asian all huddle together. The redneck keeps his aim on my head as he awaits further instruction. 

The sheriff steps forward. "You sure you wanna help?" he asks. "A little girl shouldn't be stuck out here alone." I nod. These people need help finding her. Maybe they'll let me join them if we find her. 

The sheriff nods his head and points the crossbow down. "Thank you." the older short-haired woman sighs. "Yea, do you know where she ran from? I might be able to track her." I suggest. "Daryl already tried, her footsteps just disappear." the asian boy states nodding to the redneck. 

Nodding my head, I pull my bag to rest on both shoulders. "What's in the bag?" the black haired man asks. "Knives, extra food, a bottle of water, and rope. Gotta be prepared if I get cornered." I answer with a shrug. "Shane, let the girl be. Name's Rick Grimes." the sheriff states holding out a hand.

Taking the sheriff's hand, I smile at him. "Nice to meet you. I was in my last week of school to become a doctor, so if anyone needs any medical help, I'm more than happy to take a look." I state softly. "T-Dog, he needs help." the asian rushes out. 

Shane shakes his head. "T-dog will be okay until we get back, Glenn. Right now we need to find Sophia so we can get out of here." Suddenly a bell begins ringing. "Follow me, it might be her." I rush out before taking off through the woods. 

My feet land softly on the forest floor as I continue running through the trees and into a clearing. Standing in front of the church, I look for where the bells might be located. I decide to step around to the doors just as Rick, Shane, and the redneck decide to join me in pulling out weapons.

Rick nods for me to push the doors open quietly. Looking inside, I spot three walkers. Each sitting on their own pew creepily. I step back letting the three men take the kills as I place my knife back on my hip. 

A woman with long brown hair hands Rick a Machete as Glenn takes the redneck's crossbow. Once the walkers are dead, Rick paces the room. "Sophia!" he calls out opening a side door. Shaking my head, I step outside the church. 

I go to sit on the steps when the bells begin ringing again. "What the hell?" I grumble stepping back and looking around. "A timer. It's on a timer." The redneck pants tiredly. "I'm gonna go back in for a bit." the short-haired woman states defeatedly. 

Taking a look around, I watch as the young boy goes to Rick sadly. Was the girl his sister? "Where are you from?" Glenn asks. "Virginia. I was going to medical school down here." I answer honestly. "Would you consider coming with us?" Rick asks. 

Taking a deep breath, I look at my hands. "I don't know ya'll." I sigh. "We won't force you, but it's safer in numbers." Rick adds before walking off to Shane. "You should come. He's right." Glenn adds before the group gathers together once more. 

Shane turns and marches our way rubbing his head. "Y'all gonna follow the creek bed back, okay? Daryl you're in charge." Shane announces. "Me and Rick, we're just gonna hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough." he adds.

Looking at my feet I shake my head. "You're splitting us up. You sure?" Daryl asks. "I need to go back to my place, I have some stuff I need to get if I'm going with y'all." I add. "Yea, we'll catch up to you." Shane nods towards Daryl. "Alexis, is your place on the way back?" Rick asks. 

Nodding my head, I'm stopped from answering by Carl. "I wanna stay too. I'm her friend." the boy announces. His mother, Rick, and Shane all look at him carefully before she takes a few steps towards the boy. "Just be careful, okay?" Lori requests. "I will." Carl reassures. 

Taking a deep breath, I look over at Glenn who smiles and nods at me. "Be careful out there." he states. "Alright, we'll stop at your camp on the way back." Rick states taking a deep breath. "I'm gonna go inside for a minute." Rick sighs as the rest of the group disappears from view.

Once Rick exits the church, we begin our walk back towards camp. We come to a stop as a deer crosses our path. I smile lightly watching as the young boy who I learned to be named Carl, steps forward in awe. The deer stands unafraid grazing on the forest floor. 


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