"GOOD MORNING LUCERYS!!!" Aelora laughed and ran to the bed and the girls bowed while as they laughed at the Prince.

"What the...?" Lucerys got such a shock and was totally taken aback by the sight and tried to hide from the girls.

"I told you you were a heavy sleeper. Have fun without me now." Aelora said and calmly walked away, leaving Lucerys alone with the girls.

"YOU WILL GET  FOR THIS AUNTY ...." Lucerys said loudly and ran off the bed at breakneck speed, not noticing that he wasn't clothed at all and was completely naked.

Lucerys was so shocked that he didn't notice this and ran back to the bed again and hid under the covers and the girls laughed louder at the fun and Aelora went on and laughed louder than ever.

Everyone knew about the Queen's deviation and Aelora went all the way out to the exit gates and outside her own horse carriage was waiting and it took her to the Dragonpit and when she arrived at the Dragon's Nest Vermithor had already been let out and her faithful bronze Dragon was patiently waiting for her and soon then when Vermithor heard Aelora's voice he became energized and bowed down to his rider and Aelora patted her beautiful and magnificent Dragon she knows and owns. The Bronze Fury!

Feeling ready, Aelora checked that everything was in place on her Dragon and climbed into the saddle and strapped in.

"Sōvegon Vermithor!" Aelora said in Valyrian and Vermithor spread his wings strong and flew with massive style and speed and Aelora felt the familiar feeling in her stomach as she rides free and even with her bronzed friend.

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She flew high above the open sea and ends up far from the shores and borders of the mainland and be set out on her new adventures and she just wanted to disappear far from all the visions that were in everything

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She flew high above the open sea and ends up far from the shores and borders of the mainland and be set out on her new adventures and she just wanted to disappear far from all the visions that were in everything. God how wonderful it felt to be so far away from royal life and she thinks Vermithor felt exactly the same when he senses her energy.

Aelora: The MagnificentWhere stories live. Discover now