Chapter 1 - A love of acting

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Aqua Hoshino hadn't had an ordinary life. That is to say, his first life had been perfectly ordinary by most standards. However, what wasn't ordinary, was the fact that he had a second one. Once a young, promising doctor named Gouro Amamiya, he had been the victim of a cold-blooded murder moments before his patient, the idol Ai Hoshino, had given birth. Luckily for him, the gods weren't finished with him just yet. Ai's otherwise doomed-to-be-stillborn twins were born with the souls of Gouro and an unfortunate girl who had died and was in the same position as himself. Ai lovingly gave the baby girl the name of Ruby Hoshino, while Gouro had been stuk with...


Aquamarine Hoshino, the world's cruelest name. Well, except maybe for Peter Bread or Justin Case, but you get the idea. But that didnt matter to Aqua. All that mattered was that he was given a second shot with a person he idolized as his mother, and he wasn't going to waste it.

Aqua and his sister Ruby were pampered by their mother at any opportunity, but because Ai was only 16 and working in the unforgiving world of the idol industry, they could only be mother and children in private, in their cozy little house. Their other mother was a bitchy little lady named Miyako Saitou, who was apparently just here because her husband was Ai's manager and he had promised her the opportunity to meet hot actor guys if she married him. How sad.

Despite this, Aqua, Ruby and Ai managed to live a relatively normal life. Whenever Ai had her shows, Miyako would take them so they could cheer her on. Granted, the twins were roughly two months old with all their previous memories and knowledge, so it made for an interesting scene. For example, the time the twins choreographed a perfect dance routine with their glowsticks to perform inside their baby prams to cheer up Ai when the audience was a bit... well... let's just say they were lackluster in that particular show. But they way the stars in Ai's, well, eyes, shone when noticing them, made up for any weird looks the people around them gave when staring at two random babies doing a perfect routine.

This all changed one morning. Ai had put the kids to bed the previous day by calling to them.

"Ruby, Aqua!"

They came straight to her and she enveloped them in a huge bear hug. It was pathetic, almost. Four years, and she had still never managed to say "I love you" to her kids. Being an idol was all about lying to her fans, telling them she loved them even though she was never sure if she did. How could she say those words to her kids when they took on a whole new meaning? She wasn't sure if she could, because once you tell a lie enough it becomes hard to distinguish it from the truth. Even so, she knew deep down that 'love' was indeed the right word as she put them to bed. If only she could express it vocally, she would feel so much better. She'd have to lie again for now, hoping for it to become the truth someday.

The doorbell rang. Could it be? She had called the twins' father last evening. Had he really come, after all these years..?

Ai rushed to the door, ready to be greeted by her former lover, Hikaru Kamiki. It had been so long, what would she say? She was still only 20 after all.

But whoever greeted her at the door was not Hikaru Kamiki.

"Ai... congrats on your performance at the dome." This stranger whispered dementedly. "How're the twins?"

With that, he dropped the bouquet of white raises he was holding as pulled out a large kitchen knife and plunged it almost pathetically into her chest.


Little did he know, Aqua had opened the door to see what the ruckus was about. Poor, poor Aqua, who despite being a thirty-year-old man mentally, still had the uncontrollable emotion of a four-year-old. And he saw his mother killed before his eyes.

The deranged fan continued to scream at Ai at how SELFISH she was. How DARE she try to be happy, have her own family, and try to experience the emotion of love for the first time in her life. The IMPERTINANCE, she was a LIAR!

But despite these ironies, Ai had nothing for him but apologies.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how to love. So instead I've been trying to make people happy by telling lies, hoping someday I wouldn't have to lie anymore. Even now, I want to love you, a fan."

"LIAR" the fan screamed, but he seemed less certain. There was something new in his voice. Doubt? Regret? But it was too late now anyway, as blood started dribbling from Ai's mouth.

"You're name is Ryusuke-Kun, right? I'm sorry, I'm really bad with... with names. Did you know i kept mixing Ruby and Aqua's names around just... after they were born? Anyway- cough, I really like the star sand you gave me. I still have it decorating my living room!"

Ryusuke was shocked. No way... she knew his name. She kept the star. How could he.. how could he have DONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS!?

"What, what do you... what do you mean... this is impossible... that wasn't, I didn't... DAMN IT!"

He ran off into the night, without looking back, and his screams of anguish could be heard for a mile around.

Ai turned to face Aqua, with sweat dripping down her face. He put down the phone from his ear and turned to Ai with a terrified look on his face. If only he was older! He was a doctor! He should have been able to DO SOMETHING!

"Don't worry Mama, I called the ambulance! You'll be fine, I promise!"

Ai let out a chuckle.

"Well, I sure let my guard down. This is why... cough... why we have door chains..."

She looked up at the sky wistfully. "They didn't teach me that at the orphanage."

"DON'T TALK!" screamed Aqua, desperate for his medical knowhow to somehow help his mother in this situation. "T-THE BLEEDING! SHIT, IT'S ON THE ABDOMINAL AORTA..!"

Ai once again looked down towards her child. 

"I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure... cough... I wont make it. Are you ok? You're not hurt... right, Aqua?"

"... No, I'm not"

Ai's brilliant idol smile flashed on her face for the last time.

"I wonder... cough... if they're gonna cancel today's performance at the dome..? I'm causing so much trouble for everyone. Aqua, tell the director I'm sorry that I can't finish our movie, either."

Ruby had ran to the door when the noise had stopped, but her baby limbs were unable to reach the handle to open it. But she knew enough, that something horrible had happened to her Mama.

"Hey... what's going on!? What's happening over there?"

Aqua stiffened. "Don't come, Ruby!"

"What's happening over there? WHAT'S GOING ON!? TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!"

But they didn't tell her what was going on, and the stars in Ai's eyes faded away.

Around an hour later, an ambulance, a fire truck and a few police cars arrived at the scene, but they were an hour and one second too late. Aqua was prized from his mother's cold body and Ruby was extracted from the house, the sight of her mother hidden from her. The curtain had closed on this drama, but a new one was just about rise...

"Akane, could you come here for a moment please!"

"Coming mommy!"


My acting love - Watashi no engi ai (Aqua Hoshino x Akane Kurokawa)Where stories live. Discover now