The Duty

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Each Person is Protagonist of their own Life Story. They have their 'Good', and 'Bad ending'. But is 'Perfect Ending' exist?, one where is everyone is happy, and save?. Sound naïve... but it's possible to achieve it but you must ready to pay the price"

Rhodes Island – 21:00 PM

It was usual busy day in Rhodes Island, but today is special day where Rhodes Island currently host huge celebration party for they successful hard work this past few years. They battle against group of Infected by the name Reunion, years later they went to Victoria more specifically the capital city of Londinium in order to help Siege or her real name is Alexandrina 'Vina' Victoria to help her to claim the throne of Victoria but more importantly to settle the score with Theresis the Regent of Kazdel, and the leader of Kazdel Military Commission, with his allied of Kazdel Royal Court, and Pro Draco supporter by the name of Dublin. But Rhodes Island not alone in this fight they gain allied by the name of 'Eartha' group of Londinium Citizens with different background, and Siege personal army (street gang to be exact) 'Glassglow' Gang.

It was hard fight for them many allied has to die in this conflict yet they managed to win this conflict with the leadership of Amiya and Siege, but more importantly the brilliant mind of their strategist Doctor 'Zero' true name Otoya considered the major player, the turning point, and the key to victory of this conflict, without him Rhodes Island and the Allied force cannot win this battle because of this Amiya now is the new ruler of new Kazdel and Siege also take the throne of Victoria becoming there Queen, under their leadership both country decide to rebuild in order to make new world, now under Amiya leadership Sarkaz race can freely explore any other country without being discriminate and the can take normal jobs no longer enter live of bloodshed, and now The New Kazdel also part of alliance of great country like Victoria, and Kazimierz under the request of Radiant Knights Margaret Nearl.

But what is most important is they did it... they found the cure of 'Oripathy' the disease that been ravaging this land, the main problem of the world, and the thing that start a conflict between 'Infected', and 'Non-Infected' has been erase. With the help of Rhodes medical team especially the next generation operators, and help from Rhine Lab team under the new director Saria they managed to neutralized this long term disease, well it will not stop mutation to take place, Catastrophe still ravaging among the lands, and minor injustice. But now they must celebrate they finally achieved they long terms goals now both infected and none-infected can leave peacefully now the cure is exists!

Currently in Rhodes Island main hall many operators both from inside and outside Rhodes Island gather each of them wearing they best suits, and dress in order to celebrate this joyful day. As usual the event will start long, and boring speech by Dr. Kal'tsit that causing either half of the guest to fall asleep or just straight walk out the hall out of boredom, but Amiya with her bright idea decide to give her speech followed by her violin performance, causing the crowd to cheer and applause their performance, next followed by The One and Only EMPEROR!!!, and D.D.D. this cause the crowd goes wild in excitement.

But not everyone is happy with the celebration currently inside Otoya office he just finish packing he's belonging before letting a deep sigh before looking at the night sky. Today will be the last time he will see this place he already fulfill the promise he made to help finding the cure of 'Oripathy', second his promise to previous King of Sarkaz to guide Amiya to became great leader for Rhodes Island but more importantly became a Queen of new rebuild Kazdel. His job in this place is done he doesn't need to be in here anymore. He knew it will create chaos among the members especially the higher up but he doesn't care, He want to return to the place where he belongs and fulfil his 'Oath'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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