"Took you guys long enough." One of the many operators there, though this one was not sat and rather standing with her weight shifted onto one foot with her arms crossed, said to the three new arrivals. The hot headed, quite literally, elite operator herself, Blaze, then gestured her hand in an upwards sweeping motion for the others to stand up as the briefing session was finally going to start.

"Sorry, got held up a bit." Ghost said offhandedly to her as he and the other two walked over to them, each of them splitting up into their own assigned groups.

"No biggie. We infected have it hard with the constant checkups and whatnot." She replied back, before redirecting her gaze upwards to the two figures on the main deck, Kal'tsit and the dokutah as they neared the railings and looked downwards onto the assembly of operators.

"Alright, everybody, listen up. In a matter of hours, we'll be arriving at Avalon, the moving citadel of the Round Table, an organization that had vowed themselves to uphold the welfare and pride of the Infected globally. That's...what they said on their website." The Dokutah trailed off, not really having much to go off as he tried explaining the involved party in the mission.

"They're an organization founded on the basis of helping Infected individuals, just like Rhodes Island. Even their citadel is a city filled of only Infected inhabitants, fully run and governed by them. We're going there on an expedition to establish a collaborative relationship. You all are to act as escorts for the expedition. We're not taking any chances, not until we verify that they are indeed who we think they are. We've had our fair share of run ins with supposed 'For the infected' organizations." Kal'tsit picked up where he left off, as her hand motioned in the air as if she was using an unseen tablet. In a few movements, a holographic build of the citadel contructed itself above the operators head. Though it was just a rough outline of the citadel, with rows of virtual question marks surrounding the structure. They knew not much about the moving citadel apart from its design, really.

"It's comparably huge for a citadel. Bigger than our landship." Blaze says as her eyes attentively scanned the entirety of the structure,

"I can see why there's so many of us here even just as escorts. The place is a literal moving fortress. It'd be trouble if this was just one big trap to lure us in." Another guard operator, Ch'en herself voices out.

"Well, from the contacts we've had, they mentioned they had no affiliations with Reunion. That's a good sign, if anything." The senior Ranger then said as well, though he was sat on the deck and not amongst them included for the escort operation.

"...Let's hope so. I don't wanna get my ass beat while sightseeing. Come on, look at it, the place's a real beauty for a citadel! It'll be fun exploring the place, right? It's been a while since we've all been deployed together!" The cheerful voice came from Croissant as her eyes highlighted the streets of the citadel, the buildings there built with a mix of classical architectural style with touches of new, more modern aspects sprinkled throughout the structure. Though she was actually more excited by the fact that the whole of Penguin Logistics was deployed together today in the same squad, as she turned herself and looked behind her to see each one of them there.

Texas, Sora, Exusiai AND Mostima.

"Felt like it." Mostima uttered.

"Anyways, as the talks are carried out, each squad has a task to carry out, of which The Dokutah here will briefly explain. I must go first, I have some matters to attend to." Kal'tsit then continued herself before almost immediately passing the torch onto The Dokutah and leaving the bridge.

"...Ok..." It seemed that this slightly baffled even the Dokutah. Though he didn't think much of it. He proceeded to clear his throat before facing again the squadrons below.

Codename: Ghost - An Arknights OC Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now