8// dreams...

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*Parisa's POV*
I woke up, sweat running down my face, I was shaking, I really hated doctors and it scares me that I needed to go back next week...


"Miss Tarjomani I am happy to tell you that you are all clear, I think that we will have you in next week for an appointment also, just to make sure that you are 100% ok!!" The doctor said as I was lying on the hospital bed,
I really did hate doctors, ever since my mum passed away (a/n RIP MUMMY OTY) I have never been in a hospital since.
Luckily Charlie knew how much I hated them so he was holding my hand and rubbing my back and every once in a while he would ask sweetly "you ok babe?" And I would just simply nod.
"So doctor, why did I have a sharp pain though?" I asked politely,
"Well, it was just simply that you pulled your stomach muscles, but we will give you some medicine and you should be ok in no time!" He said enthusiastically,
"Ok thankyou doc!" I said smiling weakly.

*End Of Flashback*
So this is just to clear up what happened at the doctors 💞

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