7// boyfriends, bestfriends and babies

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*Parisa's POV*

Betsy and Mikey have finally started going out, Mikey broke up with Olivia and they announced it to the youngster a few days ago over social media.
It was about 5:00pm and it was still light outside, we were all going to go on a walk but we decided against it and we thought to just order Nando's and watch junk TV.

The Nando's finally arrived and me and Charlie where on 1 sofa snuggled up and BB and Mikey where also on another doing the same.

We had also swapped the bedrooms around so that Mikey and Betsy where in the boys old room and me and Charlie where in me and Betsy's room.

Once we had finished a few episodes of KUWTK and we had eaten our Nando's we decided to go to bed,
Betsy and Mikey went up the stairs first and me and Charlie agreed to do the dishes.

I was washing my first plate and Charlie thought that it would be funny to flick cleaning liquid at me, I squealed and did the same to him.
By the time we where done the Kitchen was covered in dish washing soap and bubble where all over the walls and in our hair.

We sat down on the sofa and then we just cuddled, no TV, no phones,
No nothing just me and him, it was nice.

We went up to bed a wee while later and when we where just about to go to sleep when we heard groans coming from BB and Mike's room, I couldn't take it anymore,
I put a pillow over my face/ ears and screamed into it,
"Oh My God This Is Disgusting!!!"
Chuggs just laughed at me.

*Charlie's POV*

We where sat eating breakfast awkwardly, all knowing what happened last night,
"So..." P said breaking the ice,
"Have fun last night?" I laughed,
"Shut up!" Mikey said punching his arm,
"Just saying you where a tad loud!" P added.

*betsy's POV*

Me and P went up to her and Charlie's room to do our make-up because it had the big make up mirrors considering it used to be Petsy's room.
"So you where quiet down stairs!" P said while applying her foundation,
"Well... What was I supposed to say!" I laughed awkwardly,
"It's not as if you and Charlie haven't had it!" I added,
"Being honest though we actually haven't and we have been together longer that you and Mikey!" She said blending her eyeshadow,
"P SERIOUSLY!" I said practically shouting,
"I'm being honest, we haven't, I mean we have kissed and everything but we just haven't had sex!"
"I can't believe that!" I said in shock.

*Parisa's POV*

Tonight we where doing a twit cam for the youngsters,
"So because we have 100 viewers we are gonna do a #askOTY!" I said to the laptop,
"Ok first question!" Charlie said while I sat on his knee,
"Charisa, babies?" He said as the pitch of his voice rising at the end of his sentence,
"Yeah but not now!" I said laughing while looking into his eyes,
Mikey then came out of the kitchen and sat Betsy on his knee,
He kissed Betsy passionately,
"GET A ROOM!!" I hauled,
"Edit that out!" He laughed once he was done practically eating Betsy's face,
"You can't edit twit cam!!" Charlie said Cutely.

*betsy's POV*

P stood up, off Charlie's lap and walked to the kitchen,
"Charlie come here babe!" Charlie then got up off the sofa and followed the route P had recently taken.
"Well they are obviously going to go and snog!" I laughed to the computer,
"I hate that word!" Mikey said in his amazing accent,
All the comments said "CHARISA!!" I laughed and told Mikey he also laughed, we here just sat answering Questions that people where commenting, when Mikey started to kiss my neck,
"Mikey!" I laughed,
"You two are disgustingly cute!" P laughed as she walked in the room with Chuggs,
"Well guys we are gonna go now!" I said sadly pouting at the live broadcast,
"So bye love you all!!!" I shouted,
"Right c'mon!" Charlie shouted lifting me over his shoulder,
I screamed and told Betsy to end the twit cam.

When we got upstairs I kissed Charlie goodnight and we went to bed and fell asleep.

There you go!

8-9 voted for next chapter...
Some exciting news soon!! 💞

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