3// love

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*charlie's POV*
I ran upstairs to find out what the scream was and I walked in on a classic Petsy pillow fight,
I grabbed a pillow and joined in,
"Charlie.. Why are you protecting Parisa.. What about me!" Betsy laughed
"Loves me more!" Parisa shouted
I smirked at her and felt my cheeks go bright red,
I put down the pillow and left the girls to throw pillows across the room and probably break something.
I was sat on the sofa as Mikey walked in the front door,
"Hey man!" He said as he hit his hand on my shoulder in a friendly manner,
"How did your day go with Olivia?" I asked
"Ok, but I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed!" He said as he walked towards the stairs
"Night!" I said directing my attention to the tv.
Next morning
*Betsy's POV*
Me and Mikey were first up today, we were sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast talking about anything and everything then we got onto the topic of Parisa and Charlie,
"Not think that they have been acting strange lately?" I asked
"Yeah definitely, it's like as soon as one of them walks in the room the other tenses up!" He added
"OH MY GOD MIKEY... Do you think they are dating?" I said in shock,
Mike froze and thought about it for a minute, then he added
"I think you might be right BB!"
I felt like Sherlock Holmes, I felt like I was on a mission; to see if Charisa is real!

*Parisa's POV*
I was woken up by my phone notifying me that I had a text;

From: Charlie 🙈

Hey... Come to my room ASAP!!xx I love you 😉

*Charlie's POV*

My door creaked open and in walked my girl,
"You wanted to see me!" She said sweetly
I patted the bed next to me signalling for her to sit, she sat down and cuddled into me,
I lifted her chin so we were looking into each other's eyes,
I kissed her, she kissed back and it became more passionate,
By the time our lips separated my hands where around her waist and she was sitting on top of me running her hands through my hair,
Our noses where touching and we just stared at each other
"I love you!" I whispered
"I love you!" She copied
She pecked my lips and got off me and walked towards the door,
"Wait!" I shouted
She turned around,
"No morning hug?" I asked
She gave me my hug and before she could let go I started ticking her,
We fell off the bed and I was sat on top of her still ticking her sides,
"Stop Charlie !" She laughed
I raised an eyebrow,
She kissed my cheek and walked away.

*Mikey's POV*

Parisa walked downstairs and weekly smiled at me,
She sat down and ate her bowl of cereal and made no conversation with me or Betsy.
"Sleep ok P?" I asked
"Emm... Yeah ok I guess!" She answered suspiciously
"Want to get pizza for dinner?" I asked trying to make small talk
"Not really hungry to be honest!" She said as she picked up her breakfast bowl and put in the sink and waked back upstairs.

"What was that all about?" BB whispered
"No idea!" I answered just staring at the stair that Parisa had just walked up,
"Something's definitely going on!" BB said

Ok my lovelies that is all for now,
I will be updating more!!!
Summer is sooo soon I'm so excited 😬
If any of you want to Colab then PM me xx
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