bo lark degrassi

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full name

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full name. bonnibelle alexis lark
nicknames. bo (everyone) bo-bo (peter stone) cutie year 10 (peter stone) bonnie (adam torres) student lark (archie simpson- he doesn't know which prefix to use 😭) bubbles (peter stone) my bo peep (peter stone)
birthday. june 13th
age. 15 years old to tba
gender. androgynous presenting non binary
sexuality. toric (nblm)
pronouns. they/them/theirs
appearance. lachlan watson

 lachlan watson

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hair color(s). brown, they never dye it.
eye color. hazel
scars/tattoos. they used to self harm but they've been clean since they were 13. their arms are covered in healed over scars. they aren't ashamed. they have a semi colon tattoo on their left wrist and an 'i love you' in peter's handwriting on their right after season 8.
personality. tba
backstory. bo was born in montreal, canada to michelle lark and reagan lark. they moved to toronto during the summer when they turned 15, so just before they started year 10 at degrassi highschool. during their childhood, nothing too eventful happened. all the drama happened in highschool. their cousin is jay hogart. they live with him post season 8.
love interest(s). peter stone (they started seeing each other after peter briefly flirted after bo's year 10 started. but, they had to see each other in secret because peter was with mia. he would sneak bo into his apartment after mia would leave at night through the fire escape. peter really does love bo, and even calls them his bo peep) adam torres (in year 11, when adam joins the cast, they immediately click together. because they're both on the transgender spectrum, they understand one another. adam refers to bo as 'bonnie' and 'bon' and bo absolutely loves the nicknames. they love each other deeply but end up drifting during season 11.)
mental conditions.  gender dysphoria and clincial depression
vices. weed
seasons. seasons 8-tba
story arcs. in season 8, their story arc with peter spans almost the entire season. they meet in the cafeteria, and peter briefly flirts- this is before he's official with mia jones. bo seems almost instantly head over heels, and he knows. he finds them adorable, and he starts hanging out with them. he actually figures out his bisexuality because like most other people, he doesn't see them as a girl. when he starts dating mia jones, he still hangs out with bo. they hang out in the corridor during free period, and they just talk while sitting on a bench. by sitting, i mean bo is sitting and peter is laying his head in their lap because nobody can see them. he eventually starts sneaking them into his apartment. he slips up, and does it when his mom is visiting. she scolds them both but doesn't tell mia. eventually, when she leaves, he sneaks them back into his apartment and have sex- which they hadn't been doing previous. it had just been emotional cheating on mia. but now? bo lost their virginity. they end up 'breaking up' for a while because bo's feelings are too intense and they want him to choose between him and mia, and he can't pick between them. they somewhat disappear from the series for a bit, mainly seen interacting with other students + their cousin. eventually, their super catholic parents find out about their 'promiscuity' outside of marriage. they literally had sex one time. so, they kick them out of the house. they end up moving in with jay, their older cousin, right before winter break. jay ends up being given sole custody of them by bo's parents. during the trip to LA, bo has to go because jay is their sole caretaker. they're annoyed because mia is also on the trip. jay can sense the tension, is like 'oh shit' and he pulls bo aside at a rest stop, and says, 'you're fuckin' peter!!' and bo shoves him and says, 'it was one time, dick hole! and... we aren't sneakin' around anymore. he didn't want to pick like i wanted him to. so i dipped. we haven't talked in like.. three weeks.' and jay ends up scheming and making them talk to each other and peter and bo kiss. and its different from their other kisses. its better. but, nothing comes of it anymore. except for more pain, and glances in the hall. when second semester starts, they meet in the hallway on accident after peter finds out there's no room for him in music. bo is skipping (already) and in their old spot. the bench on the wall, and they're reading. peter retakes his old position, and lays his head on bo's lap. bo's hand starts to play with his hair. peter just goes, 'i missed you, bo peep.' and bo says, 'i know. missed you too, petey.' and their secret relationship resumes. well, secret, until he and mia break up. while peter is on meth, bo knows something is up and tries to talk to him, but he blows them off. except for when he kissed bo in front of everyone, sealing everyone's suspicion of their relationship. when peter crashes the beach bash, high off his gourd, bo tries to grab him, but he knocks them over- which leaves a bruise on their back which hurts like a bitch. but, they know he's not himself. when peter calls riley, sav yells out, ' bo-bo! time to go-go!' and they go to get peter. as soon a peter sees them, he hugs them, whispering slews of 'im sorry' and 'i love you' while they take him back to the loft. bo stays, along with spinner and riley, but peter ends up falling asleep on top of bo while he comes down from his high. when he wakes, its 4am, and bo is still awake, watchibg tv- they got riley to turn it on because they couldn't reach the remote- and riley and spinner are asleep on the floor. peter lays his head on bo's chest, watching tv with them. he says, 'will you go out with me?' and bo's heart starts to race, 'ive always wanted you to say that.' and then they kiss. spinner had waken up, and he just starts quietly clapping. bo and peter continue to date throughout the rest of season 9, and into the beginning of season 10. during the summer, their relationship began to grow rocky, and peter started to treat them like a child. during the third episode of season 10, they'rd arguing profusely outside of the dot. adam is watching from inside. bo is yelling at peter about how he can't keep treating them like a kid when they're not. peter keeps saying their nicknames, and then bo just yells, "i hate you! we're over!" and stomps off. over the next week or so, bo is in the dot with sav, and then clare and eli. they are approached by peter, who tries to explain, but adam butts in- because he was watching. he places his hand on peter's chest, shoving him back. he says a few words about how he's being creepy, and peter backs off. bo laughs, and thanks him for being their knight in shining armor. they leave after kissing his cheek and telling him that their name is bonnibelle. they go to class, and are assigned their physics partner for the year. eli goldsworthy, who ends up being one of their best friends. after adam goes to the concert with sav, eli, and bianca, he asks sav to put in a good word about him with bonnibelle- referring to them as she- because he doesn't know. sav corrects him, and he smiles, trying not to out himself. sav otherwise agrees. when sav goes to his next class, he tells bo that theres a grade tenner that seems to have a little crush on them. they laugh and smile, asking if its adam. sav laughs, nodding. nothing else is said, and then during passing period, bo pulls adam into a janitors closet, hands on his shoulders. they're taller than him. 'i heard from a little birdy that you have a crush on me, torres.' 'pfft... maybe... i dunno.' and then bo places a quick kiss to his lips, 'meet me at the dot, tonight.' 'doesn't your ex work there?' 'not tonight.' and then bo leaves. adam gets outed during the periods that pass, and in the parking lot, when owen is holding onto adam, bo walks over and punches him in the face. owen lets go of adam, who hides behind bo. bo yells at him to get the hell away. after adam checks on drew, he goes over to bo, smiling, and calling them his savior in shining armor. they leave drew to go home by himself, and they go to the dot and get coffee before going back to bo's house. jay is working. bo and adam are sitting on bo's couch, and they end up making out. they stop, because adam pushed them away and blurted out 'im trans' to which bo replied, 'i know. me too.' they don't end up having sex but they've grown even closer. they aren't official, but they're still hanging out (and making out.) when adam starts crushing on fiona, bo backs off a bit and starts seeing peter again. they aren't dating, they're just friends. during this time, they end up beating own milligan into an inch of his life. owen had been making nasty remarks at the dot, and bo lost it on him. they blacked out. and instead of getting charged, they were put in court ordered therapy and their therapist advised them to seek anger management methods, like mma. they start doing mma and putting all of their time into it. they stop talking to adam. even on break periods during the day, they're in the school training gym, practicing. he and adam start getting closer again before spring break. over spring break, bo had bought keke palmer tickets and went to the concert. they were front row. there, they were sexually assaulted in the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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