ONE : mending past ties

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Beep beep!

I heard my alarm blare, walking me from my sleep. I groan and snack it off my nightstand. I put my pillow over my head to block out the noise...

Beep beep!

"Shut the hell up!" I mumbled at it, but it still went off. I sighed in defeat, getting up. I stood on the cold ground. I slipped on something falling on my ass.

"Owww!!" I exclaimed I officially hate the alarm clock. I shut it off kicking it under the bed.

Realizing that wasn't a good idea. My foot started to hurt. I jump around mumbling ow.

This clock is asking for it! I heard a knock on my door, making me stop.

"Come in," I said sitting on my bed rubbing my foot. The door opened revealing my dad. Sometimes I wish it was Nagisa.

"Everything alright?" He asked I huff.

"Ask the alarm clock," I said he tried not to laugh, but he did anyway.

"It's not funny!" I said crossing my arms.

"Where is it?"

"Under the bed".

"What did you do, kick it?" I nod he laughs again.

"Breakfast is ready come eat," he said leaving closing the door behind him. Today is my first day of high school. I haven't been in a actual school for 3 or 4 years.

At least no one knows me at this school. That's what I hope, but I never know. It's Iwatobi High, I bet some of the kids that go there went to the middle school too.

I put on my uniform and brush my long blond hair. I tried to decide if I should leave my hair up or down.

Eh, I'm too lazy to put it up, so down it is!

I grabbed my phone heading down the stairs and go in the kitchen. I saw my dad drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

I saw bacon and eggs, then saw a cup of coffee. I go to the table then take a drink, caramel, my favorite.

"I thought you'd want that," my dad said chuckling.

"Thanks," I said then taking a bite of eggs. I look at the time, I'll be late if I don't hurry. I get up grabbing my bag out of the closet.

I kiss my dad on the cheek, then leave the house.

"Have a good day!" I heard my dad say.

"I will," I said back shutting the door.

It was warm out today with a little breeze. My hair flew around a little as I walk down the stairs.

I made it to the road looking both ways. I walk across, waving to the old couple sitting on their porch.

I continue the long walk, I saw the school top in the distance. I saw some kids walking to it. I heard the bell ring I start walking fast till I bump into something. I fall to the ground I look up to see a blond boy.

"I'm sorry," he said holding out his hand, I take it. He helps me up and smiles.

"I'm Nagisa," he said, Wait... blond hair, magenta eyes, no it can't be. I could be wrong, hang on I'll call him the nickname he hated.

"Gisa?," I said he his eyes widen.

"Oh my, M!" He said I nod, he throws his arms around me, squeezing me to death.


"Sorry" he says as he lets go.

"I've just... missed you!" He said smiling.

"I have too, how's mom?" I ask.

"She's fine... and dad?"

"He's good," I said.

"So, you're going to Iwatobi too?"


"Yay, I get to see you every day now!" He said the bell rung again.

"We better go," I said he nods and we start running. I smile, I'm finally with him again.

No more lonely days without him. We go separate ways waving to each other. I go in my classroom, phew just in time.

"Class, take your seats we have a new student here with us today," the teacher said. I go to the front seeing a bunch of faces.

"Introduce yourself," she said.

"H..hi I'm Hazuki Manaka it's nice to meet you all! I hope we can become friends" I manage to say, they all smiled at me.

"Alright Ms.Hazuki go take a seat next to Yuki," she said pointing to a boy with purple hair. I walk over taking my seat then she started her lesson.

I never learned her name, so I don't know what to call her. I look around till I saw it on her name plate on the desk. Mrs.Saki, that's a pretty last name.

The bell rang ending the class, it's time for lunch. I want to go find Nagisa, but he beat me to it.

"Come on! we'll eat on the roof," he said, but when we were going up there. I saw two boys coming down. Nagisa stopped looking at them.

"Haruka, Makoto, it's been a long time, huh?," He said I thought those names sounded familiar. The boys look at him.

"Wait... Nagisa?" They said at the same time, he nodded. They walked off to the roof. I decided to follow them. I kinda just stayed to the side letting them catch up. I remember the two now, funny, I didn't even recognize them.

"You guys remember Manaka, don't you?" Nagisa asked. Mokoto looks at me and smiles? Haruka just gives me hid usual deadpan face. I wave at them, giving a small smile before going back to my lunch.

"Nice to see you again," Makoto said. I look at him.

"Y...yeah, you too," I said they went back to talking. I felt a little lonely, like I said, I lost them as close friends. My grandma always said once you lose something, you can never get it back.

I took her words to heart, it helped me through hard problems. My grandma died two years ago, she took care of me a lot after the divorce.

My father would go drink alot. So I lived with her for a year and a half. It was fun till I saw her died right before my eyes. Nagisa and my mom didn't come, I don't think they knew.

It's my dad's mom anyway so, of course, my mom wouldn't of known. But, it's Nagisa's grandma too, he should know.

"Manaka, come on!" I heard a voice rip me from my thoughts. I see Nagisa in front of me smiling.

"Lunch is over," he said I couldn't help but smile too. I get up and walk behind them, I stop. Nagisa went on about something. I didn't pay attention to it. I take a look at the sky.

Maybe grandma was wrong maybe you do get something's back. I shake the thought, no, don't disagree with her.

She'd scolded you if she was here. But, deep inside, I had a strange feeling something's coming, and it isn't good.

WE MEET AGAIN || MATSUOKA R. | old.uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now