16: Geto

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"So you wanted to come here...why?" Nobara cringed as she looked around.

"Suguru said it was enjoyable."

"Geto is also a twenty-eight year old man," Itadori laughed. All of you sat down at the bar, Nobara in the middle since you expected them to play their fifth game of the day. You had a smile on your face as you observed the place, and Suguru was right in saying that this place was full of fun. Well, full of men yelling and billiards matches. The man next to you was old with a mug full of booze, laughing at both the bartender and who you assumed was his friend.

He looked at you and did a double take, before smiling wide and throwing an arm around your shoulders. You jolted a little bit, before he leaned in and spoke low in your ear, "how about you meet me in the alley, huh? You sure are a prize."

I cannot people-watch without getting harassed.

Suddenly you felt yourself choking. The smoke in the air combined with the smell of men, booze, and this guys breathy words were all making you sick. You shook your head, ducked out of his hold, and immediately exited the building, barely getting a breath of air as you barreled into someone unexpectedly. The man grunted in surprise, look worried when he saw you so distraught and...looking up, it was none other than Geto Suguru.

"Goodness, y/n!" he laughed, "hey, what is going on?" His eyes widened, watching a sheen of sweat bead across your face, jolting forward with a hand over your mouth and the other grabbing his shoulder. Nausea. He cursed, "where is Satoru?"

"He is at Tengen-sama's." Jun was now rushing by your side with a hand on your back, allowing you to kneel down onto the grass.

"The shogun?"

"Yes," Itadori confirmed, "I do not know why, but he will not return to the estate until tomorrow afternoon."

"Do you all want to rest at my home, then?" he offered, cringing when he looked down at your hyperventilating form, "it is rather dark now."

"Is it a bother?"

"Not at all," he shook his head, "she looks ill."

"Pregnancy symptoms." Nobara mumbled.


"Why did you suggest that bar?" Itadori mumbled, and Suguru could not help but laugh at the comment.

"I was not under the impression you all would actually go."

The only spot you found yourself comfortable was on the floor. Suguru did not mind too much and, although you could not sleep, you busied yourself playing with the edge of Jun's kimono as she sat sleeping against the wall with Nobara sleeping peacefully beside the irori. Itadori was knocked out as well, though Suguru had given him the spare bedroom. Speaking of your host, you heard him shuffle into the sitting room and kneel down beside you.

He laid another woven blanket on top of you. Gently, and even if you wanted to thank him you couldn't. You felt too sick.

"Do you require anything, y/n?" Your eyes met his and you shook your head slowly. He sighed, brushing his hair back and whispering, "I wish I could be of more help."

"You are doing more than enough, Suguru. Thank you." Your words were quiet. Almost nervous. He nodded before looking at your lady.

"That does not seem very comfortable."

"She can sleep anywhere," you smiled, "one of her many talents."

"Have you known each other for a long time?"

"Oh, yes. She has been by my side since I can remember...I love her dearly," you recalled fondly, "It is a miracle she is not sick of me."

"I cannot think of one person who could get sick of you."

His words rang like a bell in the quiet, and he did not take them back. You hoped the words were true. You wished Satoru would not get sick of you. If the pregnancy was already leaving you this way, you hoped he did not leave you alone. And even in the presence of such a kind and accommodating man, your thoughts still lingered on your husband.

"You are too kind," you rubbed your tired, stinging eyes, "I hope you know how much I appreciate what you have done for us this evening. You are an incredible friend, Geto Suguru." He gave you a lopsided smile in return for the compliment, reaching out and ruffling your hair which was down for the evening. Even looking up at him while laying on the ground, he felt a yearning to stay close to you. He wished he did not.

"I am a kind man."

"My husband says the same thing about himself."

"Only one of us is telling the truth."

You scoffed, hand coming up to rest under your cheek, "he is kind," A smile came on your face, one that Suguru could see clearly even in the dim light. The smile was small, like you were trying to hold it back but were not able to. "I was not sure I would be wed to a man that treated me so well."

"How so?"

"All the men in my family, well...except for Toji and Megumi, they are all horrible to me," you admitted, "horrible to my mother as well. That is why I was so thrilled to see that Satoru has gone out of his way to show me kindness."

"I was unsure of him as well," you gave him a questioning look and he sighed. "He has a history of being...sleazy. Woman after woman if you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean," you said quietly, "if he takes someone else, I would never want to know. I could not bear it."

"Do you hold affection for him?"

You were quiet before you nodded sadly.

"I do," you swallowed, "my husband is..." you struggled to find the words, "I feel as though he complements me so well. He has helped me."

"Ah...yin and yang?"

You shrugged, giving Suguru a little smile. "I do not know. Yet even now, my mind strays to thoughts of him."

"I hope he keeps you happy," he said, ignoring the feeling settling on his shoulders, "women deserve happiness. Any man who cannot provide it is hardly a man."

"Are you involved with anyone, Suguru?"

"No, I am not."

"Well, I am sure that once you are, they will also think of you whenever they can," you assured, "any woman would be lucky to have someone like you."

Any woman. Any, except for you, huh?

"Thank you," he smiled before picking up your hand and pressing a small kiss to the back of it, "you get some rest, I shall send a note to Satoru that his loving wife is resting on my floor."

Before he stood up though, you grasped his wrist with a flushed face.

"Are you alright?"

"I want to apologize to you," you whispered, "when you came to the estate and saw my husband and I in the office. It was hardly appropriate." In response, Suguru smiled with a low chuckle.

"It is only what husband and wife do, is it not?"

"You should not be subject to seeing it."

"I do not hold it against you," he said quietly, standing up to leave you. "y/n, you are a sight to behold in that respect."

The look on your face was something more than mortification, but he turned around too fast to see it. Had your husband heard his words toward you, you were sure he would either have a stroke or unsheathe one of his blades.

In any case, Geto Suguru left you absolutely dumbfounded on his floor.

And the both of you pretend it never happened.

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