You reached for your hood and removed it and went for the fastening at the back of your head and let it fall to the ground. You messed a little with the hair to make it look decent then looked up. Eneru inspected you for a little then grabbed your hand and also started inspecting it. The taller male was making you very uncomfortable and you snatched your hand away from him. "Good, you are the perfect companion to stay by my side till the endless vearth. Walk with me." You saw sparkles in Nami's eyes when she saw you. You two would probably have a discussion about this later. Eneru walked ahead and you rolled your eyes when he couldn't see you. You were only going to make sure that Nami was safe. You would probably hold out until Luffy showed up. He would right?

You were dragged out of your thoughts when a larger hand made its way to your wrist pulling you forward. It was none other than Enel. "I said beside me dear not behind." His hand was still holding yours and he seemed to be chatty all of a sudden. "How do you feel about children?" He asked you. You thought he was only making small talk.
"I feel nothing in particular." 

"What will happen when you bear our children?" His face was dead serious like he had spoken a simple fact. This was weirding you out, you removed your hand from his grasp once again.
"What! I'm not doing anything like that!"
"There's no need to be shy. You'll be my goddess and will have more than enough time to discuss this." You guys had already walked through a tunnel and out the other side. You were about to deny doing anything of the sort when he began talking again.

 "We are here! What do you guys think, Isn't it amazing? There is only one in the world. It can only be controlled by me." That means that the thing was powered by lightning. It was a giant ship that had gold and this was where most of the gold you guys were looking for went into the ship.

"This is the ark maxim that will take us to the endless vearth." If we were up in the sky our chances of escape would be reduced drastically. You looked behind to see Nami and she was thinking the exact same thing as you. This was a tricky situation. We both climb on board and then Eneru stops. "The girl from angel island is at angel beach. There's a lot of commotion going on outside." This was crazy maybe his haki was stronger than you had previously imagined. "Is this mantra?" 
" My case is a little different. I use lightning to hear into conversations far away. Have you seen the look on people's faces when they loose foothold?" 
"No I wouldn't say I have." 
His face then shifted into something else more of like confusion or something that was not anticipated.
"Something wrong sir?" Nami asked.
"No there's nothing." He replied.
"You are probably wondering who they are." You said. It was most likely Luffy and Aisa if they both showed up they could probably take him down.

He looked at you then continued looking around he was slightly uneasy. Looks like his haki wasn't all that your big sister was definitely much stronger than him.
There were foot steps coming toward you and you looked down to see Luffy, Pierre and a little girl with them. 

"Are you that Eneru guy!" Luffy shouts. "What did you do to my friends?!"  
"Which of that trash do you speak of?" Eneru was really pushing it being disrespectful. It was a relief that Luffy showed up earlier than you had initially expected. 

"I'm going to beat the crap out of you." Luffy said ready to attack.
"Watch your mouth I am God."
"What makes you God?"

Luffy had already jumped onto the ship and started sprinting towards Eneru. "EL.. THOR!" He struck and Luffy continued to run towards him. "You did well dodging my attack." He then hit one of his drums, "60 million volts Jambaule." Another animal in lightning form jumped out and went straight for Luffy and nothing happened. "He's not getting hurt?" Nami was a little confused before it finally hit her. 
"Well Luffy is rubber." You said. Rubber is a good insulator and doesn't conduct electricity.

Eneru was now reaching a point of desperation, he went even closer to try and take your captain down. "100 million volts." Nothing happens to Luffy and Eneru's jaw drops to the ground, his eyes are as huge as dinner plates with snot running down a single nostril. He can't believe that there is someone actually immune to his power. It wasn't like you with redirecting it or dodging the lightning didn't affect Luffy even one bit. Before Eneru could heal   from the initial shock he had taken one of Luffy's punches right to the lower abdomen and was sent flying backwards.

Eneru gets up and uses a different approach to attacking. He closed his eyes and used mantra to evade all of Luffy's attacks. Luffy then jumped to the top of the golden part to also look for a different approach.  "Your a paramethia so you keep your original shape so slashes are your Achilles'  heel."
"Yes." Luffy confesses. He wasn't supposed to let the enemies know his weakness but there was no helping the situation now. Eneru moved through the gold up to where Luffy was along with some gold. You took  your attention off the battle to focus on how you guys were going to escape. Luffy being Luffy was most likely going to get revenge for everything that Eneru had done. 

"You guys chose a bad time to site see. I won't let a brat get in my way. Let's watch this nation fall together." The little girl from down below started calling out to  Luffy and Nami. Nami was also getting worried thinking of a way to escape. "How are we going to  get down Y/n ? ah Luffy!"

Luffy throws his hat which lands on Nami's head. "Don't get so rattled you're a friend of the future king of pirates." Luffy had a way of easily reassuring others. 
"King of pirates? Which area does he govern?" 
"He's the great king of the seas," Luffy says.

"Impressive! Let's settle who is greater in the sky." The ship suddenly started working its gears were turning and everything. Some of the panels were stuck digging into the bed rock. 
"The circuit to this arks ultimate feature is already open and functioning. Its name is deathpiea. It's despair, the savior of this world."
"What is he going to do." Nami asked after Eneru's extra long explanation of the ship that absolutely no one asked for. "Probably destroy everything."

The ship finally made it through all well. "Now deathpiea activate." There's a chimney like place where clouds start coming out from. "It's a thundercloud. With my energy , detahpiea discharges clouds that have extremely turbulent charges that will cover all of skypiea in darkness while their energy increases, on my signal they'll produce dozens of thunderbolts and destroy everything." You were lucky that Eneru was a very open guy. You guys didn't have to jump through hoops to try and figure out what was happening. He was going to destroy everything before he went to wherever the endless vearth was. To think that all of this was because of some dirt. These sky people just needed to make their way to solid ground and hopefully find some sanity and clarity of mind.

He showed us an example by destroying a some part of angel island.
"What did you just..?" Nami was dumbfounded still looking at the damage. "I teased the angels a little." Eneru replied.
"How mean." You fake pouted.

"You think it's okay for  a god to destroy everything ?" Luffy was furious with how lives were being taken like it was nothing.
"That's right lives and land as well. Now I'll eliminate you! The preparations for the party have already began."  Luffy looked conflicted with the way the people on angel island were getting attacked. "Luffy you focus on kicking his ass. I'll figure something out." Luffy then nodded his head at your words. "I'll leave it to you then Y/n." 

"How mean our first day together and you are already wishing me the worst." Eneru acted like he was saddened by your actions. Luffy focused on fighting Eneru who had moved past Luffy's immunity and planned to cut and burn him. "Nami you are the weather expert how can we get rid of those clouds?"

"Well in theory it is nearly impossible."
"I'll make it possible."

"First thunder clouds have a lot of energy stored in them and the sheer amount of static could be lethal but they are also composed of a lot of water. Eneru must have most likely specifically engineered these clouds to be solely for lightning but there is still moisture in the air." 

"Okay then let's see how this will go." You had an idea in mind.

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now