Chapter 1: Waiting on a Miracle

Start from the beginning

Edred continued to glare at Merlin as he put his sword away and listened to the old man's words as he continued. "The evil will return, and so must you."

"Yes. I see it." Seng confirmed.

"Your souls will protect the world throughout eternity." Merlin gestured to the metal man. "This is Copernicus. It will command yourself to return. I have brought him from the future."

A neigh could be heard from the distance. And where stood a very out of place sight, which was a majestic unicorn. "We have the blessing of the magic realm." Merlin declared.

And so, throughout history, Copernicus would find the chosen ones destined to fight the great evil.

At one point the reincarnations of Edred, Melinda, and Seng. Where a Viking, a chinse assassin, and Celtic druid, respectively. And it's with them, they battled a water serpent as it rose from the water.

And then there was the time that the great evil had returned as a giant one-eyed monster carrying an entire redwood tree trunk as a fiery bludgeoned which was used to hit the castle it was attacking.

And at the roof was a female knight and her men trying to fight off this monster.

However, during one of the battles the new reincarnations of Edred and Seng arrived with Copernicus. And they were a night, and sorcerer, respectively.

Opening his stomach, Copernicus shot out Melinda's soul, putting it into the female knight's body.

And it's here that her once sterling silver armor was turned as black as night, with her formally short black hair becoming long once again.

With the team now assembled, they fought off the monster and many battles commenced after this before they finally defeated the evil.

Then there was the time during the golden rush, the great evil had reappeared. But this time around, it had turned into a giant wolf that was terrorizing a town.

But just like last time, the three warriors had been reincarnated and were there to stop it.

Now fast forward to the 1902's, something was amidst as three mysterious men with shovels make their way through the foggy abandoned graveyard.

They then soon stopped when they finally found the correct tombstone.

Using their shoves and pickaxes to dig through the earth until one of the men's shovels hit something metallic.

The mysterious man moves the dirt with his hand, revealing Copernicus who was currently inactive.

Reaching into his coat, there was beeping and whirring sound as the man in the hole brings out an entire chainsaw.

Starting it up, the man tried to penetrate Copernicus's chest, but it seems that the robot was impenetrable.

Waking up, Copernicus narrows his eyes, the golden robots fist breaks through the earth, nailing the chainsaw man right in the stomach.

The two others watched as their comrade went flying. They then turned their attention to Copernicus's elongated arm as it rears back and knocks them back.

Placing both hands on the ground, Copernicus climbs out of the grave.

Despite the blow being enough to kill a regular person, the three men get up and tore their hats and coats. Revealing that they were in fact robots as well.

Copernicus's head pops up for a second, releasing steam.

The robots ran towards him and as they got closer, Copernicus stood still and opened his stomach, which revealed mini canons inside.

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