1: Leaving Everything Behind

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I fly down to the Ruins of Life, where I rest against one of the stone walls. Lately, so many things have been going on in my mind. As a Guardian, I just feel like life is so unfair. I look down at other humans and Pokemon, and I get jealous of their mortality. They look like they are all happy together, enjoying their bonds and being a part of society. But what about me? I may be an all-powerful deity and a legendary Pokemon, but I just get tired of being the center of attention. I get tired of being treated like some sort of god- being prayed to by Akala's inhabitants. On top of that, I have to spend day and night always on the lookout, unable to let my guard down for a second. I have to be cruel and tough to keep the peace. I have a strong heart, and strong feelings, but I feel like the other guardians wouldn't let me show them... because they would see it as letting my guard down- being weak. Not just that, but it's always so hard to find fun in anything I do. I get tired of my duties, and really, all I get to do whenever i'm on a break is sleep. To rest and recharge. I just wish I wasn't this all-powerful deity tasked with something like this...

Remember Sisyphus? The man from those greek myths? He was tasked to push a boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down. I feel like him. I'm always doing pointless work, contributing so little, and for WHAT? Why am I like this? Why was I created, only to be forced to watch over an entire region, while never getting to interact with any of the inhabitants? This just feels so... inhumane. I'm at my breaking point. I want to throw down everything i've ever done and pretend like i'm among the other normal humans and Pokemon. But I doubt even that would be strange, with everyone seeing me doing something i'm not supposed to. It's like I'm a slave to MYSELF.

That was my last straw. I retreated into the cavern, and hid in a corner. I suddenly did something I haven't done in such a long time- so many pent up emotions over the years... I CRIED.

My hands were on my face, as endless tears streamed down from me. Then I heard footsteps. Someone caught me red-handed... I use telepathy to communicate with whoever is there...

"P-Please don't hurt me... I-I did nothing wrong... I-I just-" I was cut off suddenly by another sob, as tears blurred my vision.

They put a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up. It was a human. There was a notable difference, and that it was he had blue skin. "Hey. I'm not here to judge you. You can tell me what's on your mind." he said, in a tender voice. Did he... understand me? This could be the only chance I have to speak up... and so I do.

"I-I don't want to be an Island Guardian anymore... just- so many responsibilities- so many restrictions... my life is horrible." I feel like i'm about to break down. Then I felt a warm embrace around my body. The boy was... hugging me? He had a sorrowful, caring face. "I understand... I really do. I can imagine how hard of a task being a guardian deity is..." The tears were getting stronger. "It-it really is- I... I just want to be mortal- to live my own life- to- to-" And then I exploded into a teary mess. I was a complete wreck right now. I couldn't speak full sentences, before a faint "le" escaped my invisible mouth. And that wasn't even telepathy. I was so sad I didn't even realize I was speaking. The boy held me tighter. He began rubbing my back, and laid his head on my shell. I hug him in turn.

"It's gonna be okay. Just trust me. I think you deserve to be mortal more than anything... given all the work you've done for us over so many years, you've totally earned it. I know you weren't just pretending to be strong... you ARE that... so I want you to be strong. We can get through this together."

Then something scary happened. I saw the other three guardians, Koko, Bulu, and Fini. "Human, why is she crying!?" shouted Koko. I was scared they would scold me... but I couldn't hide the truth. It just wouldn't come out. So the human spoke up.

"Tapu Lele says doesn't want to be a guardian anymore." The other guardians have a shocked expression, and their face asked him to explain more. "She- she wants to be mortal. She's tired of all the duties she has been carrying for so long... she's never had a true friend, only being treated like an all powerful deity. She feels like her work has been all for nothing..."

Koko's face looks a bit annoyed for a few seconds, before he lets out a sigh. He comes over to me. "Lele... I never knew you felt this way... why didn't you just tell us?"

He- he isn't mad? I had to be cautious here... I don't want to ruin this one shot. "I... I'm just tired of being treated like this- I look down at humanity and i'm just so jealous of all the freedom that humanity has... I'm just so tired of this curse... I don't want this- anymore- I was scared- you'd be mad..."

"Well... I am a tad bit annoyed, but i'm not heartless. I completely understand your desires and the future that YOU want. You didn't have to try and hide it like that... but what of the island you guard? What would become of this island without-"


I let out a blast of energy and ran away. I heard the boy crying for me to come back... but it was too late. I was absolutely done with Alola. I don't care what happens to it, I'm going to matter too and I don't care what ANYONE has to say about it. There was a border of energy that appeared as I reached the border of alola. It wouldn't let me through. I helplessly struggled, pushing against it as hard as I could. I was so angry I pulled out a Tapunium Z, and slipped on a spare z-ring. I was using a Z-move on myself. As the giant energy golem erupted from the water, I punched the border so hard, with all my might. I screamed, desperately wanting out.

And then, the border shattered. I saw the pink color leaving me, all my guardian energy. My shell's color turned into a very desaturated gray. I can't believe what I just did... I was free at last... I fell helplessly through the sky as I blacked out, and splashed into the sea below. The last thing I saw was that same, blue-skinned boy before my vision went dark.

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