The Meeting: Apo

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Emmy came into Apo's room as he and Owen were theorizing about why the dragon queen picked ghostly elves over the werewolves.

"Well, they are basically one werewolf and that would be too much power for one werewolf. I also think they are pretty dumb, at least the lesser ones," Apo looked thoughtfully at the wall as he chewed on the end of his pen.

"But they give me the dark and dead vibe. Also there are a lot more of them and they would not have required a whole subclass of elf," Owen grabbed the pen away from Apo and wiped it on his shirt. "That's really gross, you have got to stop eating writing utensils." Apo snatched his pen back,

"I am thinking, that's how I think," Apo said defiantly. Owen grinned at Apo.

Emmy spoke up, scaring them both. "If you dummies are done fighting over a spit covered pen, I would like to talk to Apo outside." They both jumped. Owen was still getting used to Emmy popping up randomly. Emmy walked (drifted?) out of the room.

Apo stood up. "I guess I'll be right back, Captain's orders."

Owen grabbed his notebook and quill off the desk. "I'll be in my room," Owen smiled and waved as he exited. Apo smiled and walked over to the study to meet up with Emmy.

When he got there, she was sitting in her chair waiting for them.

"Why did you need me again?" Apo said, sitting down in the chair across from her.

Emmy sat up, and pointed to a map on the table. "Where did you live?"

Apo was confused by the question, and gave her an odd look.

Emmy reworded her sentence. "Where did you live before the maze?"

"Oh," Apo said, leaning in and looking at the map. He pointed to the little peninsula on the southwest side of the districts. His home, district twelve. "There," he said.

Emmy punched the air with her fist. "I knew it!"

Apo cocked his head to the side. "Why-?"

She smiled mysteriously at Apo. "You," she pointed at them, "are going on your first real mission," she pointed at the map at the exact place Apo had, "right there."

Apo smiled, but then it faded a bit. "Why would I want to go back there? Everything is burnt to the ground. What good would going back do?"

Emmy shook her head. "No, no, no. You misread my finger. I pointed to District 12's new capital, Hope. A very new mixed city, occupied by both humans and demons. Or so the normal citizens think. However, several hundred mythical creatures already call that place home, including a specific forest nymph I want you to visit."

Emmy waved her hands, and white magic formed to create a person, a human woman, with long dark hair and green eyes. Then the image changed, and she was adorned with a crown similar to a flower crown, but with glowing berries instead. She had wings of wood that sprouted from her back, and they were made up with the same odd berries. Apo had seen them around the ship, Daisy had called them glow berries.

"This is Shaela," Emmy continued, "and she knows some things about the werewolves that we'd like to know. She runs a plant store on one of the streets. Your job is to go and get this information out of her. She is the type of person to take advantage of any opportunity to get money. So if you give her these," Emmy put a small sack of coins on the table, "She'll tell you in an instant."

Apo looked in the bag. There were several meares in it (the old kingdom currency, can only nowadays be used to trade for magical objects like potions and other ingredients, but are still valuable to people who know what they are).

"You will have three months to complete this," Emmy said, standing up.

"Sorry?! Three months? Jay, Oeca, Mohwee, and Squidney hunted down and killed a basilisk in one month! I don't need three months to simply trade with some nymph!"

Emmy hummed. "Well, I thought you might've wanted to spend some time with your brother."

Apo's eyes widened.

"It seems to me you haven't seen each other in a couple years, so I thought you'd like some time to reunite... but I guess I was wrong..."

"He's alive?!" Apo yelled, doubting every word.

"Oh come on Apo," Emmy said, laughing. "Do you remember finding his body that day?"

Apo searched his memory. She was right. He had found Eden's, but not Will's.

Emmy smiled. "I'll give you an address when we get Keldor in here. He's coming with you, after all. Speaking of which, would you mind fetching him?"

Apo nodded silently, too stunned to speak.

As they left the study, he wondered to himself. Is she lying? Then he realized, Why would she lie, that wouldn't make any sense. She's never done it before, she's not that mean. She wouldn't get my hopes up about this, would she?

And, in a moment of sheer desperation, he believed her.


So it only took us what... 30 chapters to get the plot going?

SCHOOLS ALMOST DONE WITH. I HAVE FINALS AND THEN IM DONE. IM SOOOO CLOSE... My to~do list is overflowing and I'm procrastinating but we don't talk about it ;-;

Anyways, thanks for reading! See you in the next one...

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