What Doesn't Kill You: Emmy

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The long-sword lay on the ground, splattered with the crimson blood of another fallen demon. And, inches away from it, was a curved black horn, and a severed arm, drenched in a pool of its own blood.

Emmy reached for the arm, picking it up and wrapping the bloody part in a towel. She took the knife out of the hand, dropping it on the ground. She put the arm in her satchel, making sure to keep the towel on (she didn't want blood in her satchel, that would be disgusting). Then, she drifted off, going invisible. She flitted in a ghostly form, feet never touching the floor, and floated through one of the walls.

She followed the currents and blood, gagging at the smell of the maze water Krow had been dumped in. It was the same water Apo had been discarded into months before.

She went through the pipe it had been pulled through, through twists and turns, and into a bigger underground reservoir, following the trail of red-black blood.

There it was. Its arm was bleeding badly, and it was struggling to keep itself afloat in the water. Battling currents threatening to pull it under. One finally caught it, and its head disappeared beneath the waves.

Underwater, Emmy found Krow fighting to get to the surface. She floated up to it, waiting for it to fall unconscious so she could claim it, as another one of her crew, as another deathling.

It flailed in the water, unaware of her presence, before the currents turned it to face Emmy. Its eyes widened. Emmy could've sworn it looked straight at her. They just floated there for a couple seconds, staring at each other.

Suddenly, a particularly violent current swept Krow away. Emmy followed.

After a long trip through the complicated pipe system, Emmy found it unconscious and washed up on the maze floor.

Emmy knelt down next to it, thinking about their weird encounter. She stroked its forehead with the back of her hand. Something about touching Krow troubled her though. She could feel power coursing through Krow's skin.

Wait a second. Emmy thought.

It's gifted?

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