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Being insane is what's keeping me alive from my nightmares.


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


I turn quickly to see Peter standing at the door. He rushes over to me and bends down beside me, taking my face in his hands. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Y/n too?" I hear 002 say from across the room. "What other secret identities do you have?" He says, Peter snarling at him. "You shut up." He growls. 002 scowls at him as he walks up to us. "Was that your power? Just explain will you."

I let out a long sigh. The children are now back on their feet and walking towards us. They begin to sit down on the floor, awaiting my explanation.

"I'm the first. I was born with these powers. My parents thought I was a freak and sent me here to be tested on. Brenner had tried cloning my power but failed. Many were killed in the process. I was kept in my room until he found someone knew, 001."

A few of the children gasp. "But, 001 isn't real." Someone whispers in the back. "If 000 is real you really think 001 isn't?" I then turn to Peter to see him pulling back his sleeve.

When they see the number printed on his skin they murmur amongst themselves. "Brenner started cloning my power instead when I was a child. Kept blood samples for when more of you came in. When I got too old he planted a chip in my neck." Peter says as he pokes at the bump under his skin.

"This prevents me from using my powers. He then decided to give me the orderly position so it wouldn't be too suspicious."

"What about 000? Why aren't you an orderly?" One of the children in the front asks.

"I'm too young. The youngest you can be to be one is 20, I'm still 18." I explain and they nod, understanding. "Once he thought that it would be a good idea, he sent me out with you. Made me blend in, but clearly that didn't work."

"He gave you a new number." 002 says, realizing the truth. "Yep, he tried to make it so it wasn't too suspicious."

After I finished explaining everything, the children began to chat amongst themselves.

As I sit with Peter, I notice 011 approaching. She fidgets with her hands. "I'm-" She starts. "It's okay. Don't stress." I cut her off. She smiles softly at me and I bring her into a tight hug.

I look back up at the camera and notice it's on again. But, how long was it on? That's a question I'll never know the answer to.

Later, when things had finally died down, we all made our way to the cafeteria for dinner. I shoved down all my food, for I had been really hungry, and made my way over to Peter.

"All done?" He asks. I nod and take his hand, pulling him down the hall back to my room.

I lay down on the bed on my back, Peter's lips fanning across my neck as I let out soft gasps

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I lay down on the bed on my back, Peter's lips fanning across my neck as I let out soft gasps. His cold hands push under my shirt, massaging my sides.

His tongue runs up my sensitive spot, making me squirm underneath him. He smirks against my neck before going back to sucking and biting at it.

After a while of this, my neck had been littered with hickeys.

I stare at my reflection in my mirror as Peter lies comfortably in my bed. "Baby. I can't cover these." I groan, turning to face Peter with a pout on my face. He smirks at me. "Well, then everyone will know your mine and only mine."

I roll my eyes at him, making my way over to the bed. I pull my body under the covers to snuggle into his chest, falling asleep instantly.

A/N - Hey y'all!! Sorry this was kinda shorter than usual. It's kind of a filler chapter.

Dw tho, I got more drama coming for y'all ;)

000 || Zero Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang