Chapter 4: Gun and Graze

Start from the beginning

Leon: Where are these Grazes at now?

Barbatos: They're here, they also detected my Ahab Waves. I'll deal with them.

In a blink of an eye Barbatos speeds off to intercept the Grazes.


The Grazes were currently heading towards Barbatos, not knowing their fate was to be torn up by the devil of Tekkadan.

Graze 1: Unknown Mobile suit is heading towards us! Be prepared for combat!

Graze 3: Finally! I crush these teiwaz scums!

Graze 2: We'll be having fun with this scout first!

The Grazes cheered but the first Graze was more concerned.

Graze 1: W-Wait a minute... This frame isn't a Hyakuren... It's...

Dread filled the first Graze as it realized their mistake.

Graze 1: A Gundam... Frame...

Graze 4: Huh? What was tha-


Without warning the fourth Graze torso was separated from it's waist in a brutal matter, the Graze squad all stop their flight.

Graze 5: W-What the hell?!

Graze 3: F-Four's legs...

The third Graze looked down at the pair of legs and waist that belonged to their comrade.

???: You have guts to reveal yourself here Gjallahorn.

The Grazes all looked at where the voice came from, by this point they were already dead metal.

Graze 2: G-Gundam Barbatos!

Barbatos stood there holding the ripped torso of the fourth graze, it was lifeless as he dropped it.

Graze 5: Crap! A Gundam Frame?!

The Grazes all aimed their weapon at Barbatos then.


They fired at the Gundam-Frame, but it proved fruitless as Barbatos just dodges, while some hit it proved ineffective against the more superior nanolaminate armor utilized by Gundam-Frames.


Ripping the head of the third Graze, Barbatos sets his target for the second Graze, winding up his right arm and.


The head of the second Graze was smashed all completely, leaving the fifth and first Graze left.


Precisely shooting the fifth Graze's chest it caused the grunt frame to explode.


Blocking the incoming axe of the first Graze, Barbatos proceeds to rip out the ahab reactor all out completely.

Barbatos: That's the last one...

Looking at the upper half of the fourth Graze and the smashed headless second Graze, he had noticed something.

Barbatos: This Graze is easily repairable... I'll take them just incase.

Yanking up the second Graze and the fourth Graze's bodies, Barbatos rockets back towards the Outpost alone.

Barbatos: Commander, I'll meet you back at the base.

He said through the comms.

Leon: Understood, we'll meet you there.

4 hours later
Location: Outpost

The battered up Graze frames that Barbatos had returned with was being inspected by the Deputy Chief's and both CEO's.

Ingrid: Well we won't able to use the one that just got torn in two, I'd say we salvage the head and install it on the more viable one.

Andersen: I agree with Ingrid, we might not be able to field a whole army of these but we can utilize one. We already have Barbatos on our side but having a second will prove uselfull.

Mustang: But ze weapons are too generic, yes?

???: Leave the weapons making to me.

The deputy chiefs and CEO's looked back at to who talked.

Doban: Syuen? What're you doing here?

Syuen: You want weapons for this don't you? Missilis will cover that.

Andersen: Are you sure? You know your company is at a backlash right now.

Syuen: Well Missilis can make a weapon for this thing, just need a weapon reference.

Just then Barbatos landed after scavenging the wreckage of the Graze's he destroyed.

Andersen: Barbatos, what did you manage to find?

Barbatos places down a rifle and an axe.

Barbatos: These are the usual armament these Grazes use. 

Barbatos flies off to find anything that can entertain him.

Andersen: We'll test the mech and weapons first, then we can see if it would need any changes.

Mustang: Should we announce this to the public?

Andersen: For now, no. We'll keep this a secret from the public for now.

Burningum: I agree.

They all looked at the repairable wreckage, knowing that this was the key to beating the Raptures. A sign of hope...

That a Demon gave

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