Looking for my rings, I searched drawer after drawer until I found them, but stumbled on something else entirely as well.

Good god.

Pulling out the silver ring, I felt my eyes gloss over as I remembered when it was given to me and by who.

"I just want you to promise me one thing. Please." Adam said while I still sat on the table as he pushed away my hair from my face.

"Anything." I said smiling a little, to which he gave me an unsure smile.

"I want you to stay with me. Because I don't know what I'd do without you. Please, just don't... leave me. I can't lose you." He said, his eyes vulnerable as my heart rate picked up speed when I saw him taking off a ring from his pinkie finger and holding it out to me.

"Is this...?" I trailed off, looking at the ring then Adam who shook his head lightly.

"It's not an engagement ring. It's like... a promise ring. That you'll stay with me. That you're mine. Forever." He said, his thumb drawing circles on my cheek as I stared at him wordlessly.


"Stay with me?" He asked softly and before I could say anything, I found myself nodding my head at him.

His face morphed into one of pure happiness as he took my right hand gently and slipped the ring on my fourth finger, admiring it before looking back at me with such adoration I felt myself melt.

"Forever?" I finally spoke, my voice coming out higher than expected when he smiled and nodded.

"All Mine. Forever." He said, and something about his words sounded as if they were being written in stone. 

Why does this hurt more than it was actually supposed to?

"Are you ready to lea-" Adam stopped short, his eyes falling onto the ring in my hand when he gulped, his eyes flitting to mine as we held each other's stare for a few moments before I had to break it.

I couldn't let him see all the pain in my eyes.

"I'm ready." I said after clearing my throat and put the ring back in my drawer and closed a little too forcefully, because he clearly saw the ring.

"Right." He said and nodded once while I collected my purse and phone along with some money.

"Let's go." I said and he followed me out as I locked the front door and headed for the elevator.

"Hey Gina." I greeted the middle aged woman on the front desk who smiled and waved back but stopped short when she saw the person behind me.

"Oh my god, is that your boyfriend?" She squealed and I pursed my lips, discreetly glancing at Adam who was looking at me expectantly.

"No." I said in a clipped tone and saw regret flash in Adam's eyes as he followed me out and towards the café.

"Where are we going?" He asked after a few moments.

"Café." I replied and saw him nod just as the café came into view.

"You look beautiful." He commented and I glanced at him briefly, noticing his eyes raking over my body and lingering over my legs and chest.

"Thanks." I muttered, feeling the same warmth in my chest I used to feel six months ago as I rubbed my chest absent minded, as if that would make the hurt go away.

Entering the café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and brownies hit me as I walked over to the counter.

"Isa." Aaron greeted, leaning on the counter on his elbows and narrowing his eyes at the man behind me who was now talking on the phone.

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