cherry flavoured conversations

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After a stunned silence the deep voice on the other side exclaimed: "What? Is she gonna be okay?". He had the same accent as his mother, only that on him it sounded way better.

She realised how inappropriate it was that her main focus was on this instead of reassuring the man, so she quickly responded: "Yeah, there's no reason to worry, she is awake now and responsive but I think it's still a good idea if you come here as soon as possible."

"Yes, can I ask you to send me the address to this number. I'll take the next plane."

"Sure, and don't worry I'll be wit-", y/n wanted to clarify, but he had already hung up.

Once they had arrived at the hospital and Mrs Galindo was getting checked out by few doctors there was nothing left to do for her but to do what Pablo had asked her and then get lost in her thoughts.

Weirdly, all the pain her argument and breakup had caused went away and the only thing she could really think about was the responsibility she felt for the woman. If she had only listened to her friends and dumped Nick sooner neither her or Mrs Galindo would have went through this. But before she could get too caught up and sad, a friendly doctor came out of the examination room.

She asked if y/n was a family member, since only they were allowed to receive information about the patient's state. Y/n had never struggled to come up with emergency lies, so she quickly claimed that she was her daughter-in-law, which as she tried to convince herself, was the most realistic and therefore reasonable thing to do, since she didn't look exactly Hispanic. No other reason.

Apparently, Mrs Galindo had only suffered a little blood loss from her head injury and a small tearing of her liver caused by the impact of her fall, which is why her doctors had decided it was the best for her to be put under sleeping medications until tomorrow, in order to help her body heal more on its own.

"You can spend the night in her room but I'm afraid there is no extra bed", the doctor offered her politely, and y/n accepted, even willing to sleep on a chair if necessary.

She hadn't realised how late it had already gotten until she looked out of the window of the hospital room and saw that it was dark outside. Now that she could relax for the first time today, she felt her tiredness take over and luckily fell asleep before any other sad thoughts could torture her further.


BANG. The loud noise from the slamming of the door and fast footsteps startled y/n out of her very uncomfortable sleeping position. Her heart began racing at the sudden shock but the room was way too bright for her to open her eyes and see what was going on. A male voice she recognised from somewhere began repeating the same word "Mamá" over and over again. Hold on-

Y/n forced her eyes open and saw a tall man trying to wake up Mrs Galindo. He wore dark blue denim jeans and a dark green shirt, of which he had rolled up the sleeves, causing it to tighten around his very much visible biceps. His hair and eyes were both brown and his skin tanned. This couldn't be Pablo, right? He looked way too young and good. There was only one way to find out and she figured she might as well have fun with it.

"Uhm Sir, only family members are allowed to be in the room", the girl spoke up, voice still scratchy from being asleep just seconds ago.

The handsome man stared back at her with widened eyes. "He probably didn't even see me up to now and is shocked at how hideous I must look", she thought when he suddenly cleared his throat.

"I'm her son...", he expressed his confusion.

"Oh, excuse me please. I just expected someone else when I heard your voice on the phone. I'm y/n by the way, the woman who found your mother", she held out her hand to greet him properly, which he took after he dropped some flowers he was holding on the table nearby. His warm eyes meet hers with a friendly gaze and a genuine smile was on his lips.

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