A Warrior Worth My While

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One after another my opponents fall. Every single one of them are males. I can't believe that there are barley any female swordsmen challenging me. My insides turn thinking about it. I hate the stigma that women do not make fitting swordsmen. Yes I get that people think that males have more muscle mass than females and that there bodies won't develop to be able to withstand the force of male attacks. Blah, blah, blah people are ignorant dumbasses.

A women can be just as capable as a man. Sword fighting is not just about power, it is about the technique, intelligence, and faith and connection a person has with their sword.

I look at the clock; its 5 o'clock. Time to go to my class. I make my way to one of the classrooms we have in our dojo. I teach various classes at the dojo from beginners to experienced fighters who want to learn new sword play. This was an idea Gin came up with. I think he thinks the positive emotion of the children and their hopes and dreams will rub off on me. However it is not working.

This class consists of beginners who were born on this island or in the New World, the children of those brave and strong enough to reach here, and the children of pirates or marines that want there children to grow strong just like them.

I slide the classroom door open. Seven heads turned their eyes to me "Arya sensei Arya sensei!" they chorus. I pat their heads when I walk in, trying to be caring to the young ones like Gin told me to be.

They are only two girls and five boys in my class. All of whom are about around seven give or take a year. The rambunctious crew has already took out sparring swords and have them scattered everywhere. "You guys having some fun when I was gone?" I try to say in a calm voice, but it failed to come out that way and they all apologize.

One of the girls in my class with long blonde hair pulls at my pants. "what is it Lily?" I ask kneeling down to be on her level. She looks up at me with big, round, sad eyes and pointed over at a young boy with a blue buzz cut name Yoseph ,"He said that my long hair will be of disadvantage to me in battle," the young girl hiffed.

Her eyes are brimming with tears but I don't change my mind on what I am going to say," Your long hair will be a disadvantage. It is something that people may grab on and pull, or it could fall in your face and block your field of vision. "She looks down disappointed. A small memory tries to come forward. I push it back, "but you can keep your long hair if you like. You'll just have to have it pulled back so it won't get in your eyes. Here."

I look through the cupboard and find an old kimono and cut of a thin piece with my sword. I tie the girls hair up. "There you go. Now it will stay out of your eyes. Its up to you if you want to keep you hair long or not. I true swordsman shouldn't fight dirty enough to pull on your hair. Just remember don't let vanity get in the way of swordplay," I pat her head. She thanks me and but still look deflated and apologizes for me having to ruin a kimono for her. I tell her they were old and ugly anyway and she giggles. I guess I finally said something right.

I look down on all of there smiling faces and envy them. But shake the thought. The only reason I came here was to get stronger.

We work on simple sword techniques all of class and at the end we spar. I make them spar at the end of every class because I find it the best way to to sharpen their skills. Plus Gin would always tell me in the past "No matter how much your practice swimming on land you don't know if you can't actually swim until you hit the water." That man always said the weirdest things to me.

I pair everyone up. The boys that I have paired up with the two girls don't resist. Part of me hopes that they will always stay like this, but I know there minds will be tainted by the world.

I sit back and watch calling out the occasional keep your stance wide or don't take you eye off your opponent. They have improved; all of them can pretty much do basic swords play even if it is choppy.

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