"Whats your biggest fear?"

"Hmmm, being locked in room without wifi."

"Whats your favorite smell?"

"This might be weird but your scent"

"What's the craziest thing you've ever been asked to do and DID?"

"Well, i was at a party and we were playing thruth or dare: i picked dare. My dare was to eat a but of everything in one of there cupboards. The thing i didn't know, was that they used it to store, cat food, dog food, spam, does the list of disgusting things need to go on."

That is so gross, i would of ran off screaming.

"What's the biggest pick up line you've ever used?"

"Well, I haven't used any pick up lines and i don't really know any."

"Most embarrassing moment?"

"I was getting changed in my bedroom, when my little cousin walks in and sees, well my private parts and asks, 'Whats that for, why don't i have one.' it was very embarrassing."

"Biggest lie you've ever told?"

"Hmmm, i can't think of any, just any lie that my brothers believed because they would of have to be big, for them to believe it."

"Who's the prettiest girl you've ever met?"

"Thats easy, you."

"If you could change one physical thing about yourself, what would it be?"

"Probably, i know its weird, but the size of my hands, because they are tinsy compared to all my friends and yours."

"If you could change one thing about ME, what would it be?"

"Nothing, because i like you, just the way you are."

"Who's the closest person to you?"

"Aiden or Zoe, depends what things."

"Most romantic thing you've ever done?"

"This date."

"Best present you've ever recieved?"

"A necklace you got me when we were really young."

"Whats your favorite childhood memory?"

"Sitting in our old treehouse, looking down into the pond, with you sitting there making daisy chains."

"Do you remember your dreams?"

"Yea, sometimes, mainly just the happy ones."

"What is something that has changed your life?"

"Don't take this the wrong way but, meeting you. Now, i have someone who i can spend the rest of my life with."

( End of questions)

"We're here Maddie, and it took about one hour." He says. I hate him.

"Where's here, exactly, smartass?" I ask

"You will find out soon, but i'm putting a blindfold on you." he responds.

We walked for about ten minutes, when i heard running water.

"I'm taking the blindfold off now." He says to me. He takes it off and i instantly fall in love with the sight in front of me.

A clear blue waterfall with a picnic set on a rock infront of it, with andles lighting the place up.

"Awww, this is so nice, Emmett, you even remember my love for waterfalls." I walk over and hug him really tight, "Thank you."

"No, thank you for agreeing to go on a date with me." He whispers.

"Can we eat." I ask.

"Yea, i have chicken sandwiches, peanut butter & Jelly sandwiches, ham sandwiches, cookies, chocolate, milkshakes, crisps, water, fizzy and alot more." He says

"Can i have a chicken sandwich, a cookie and a milkshake." He hands me them and i immediatey start to eat them.

I'm finished before he is, oops.

"You must of been hungry." He teases.

"Shut up, I haven't ate all day."

"Ok, do you want more." He asks

"Chocolate, please." I say

"Here." It's my favourite, cookie crisp, yum.

Half an hour later, we are lying on the rock, looking into the sky watching the sunset.

I look over at Emmett and see him already staring at me.

"What?" i whisper

"Have i ever told you how beautiful you look." He mumbles. I lift my eyes to meet his and see him moving closer and closer to me. I have a feeling i know whats about to happen.

We both lean in then..

The Unexpected MateOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara