Chapter Eleven (Living Proof)

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Trey Campbell had been through a lot in the last year. He was disowned from his family, moved to Atlanta, was a rape victim, and is now living with HIV. However, through his journey he made new friends that were able to keep him afloat and on the right track. Now living in Buckhead with his dog, DQ, Trey has really understood of what his mom meant when she said she found herself and knew his self-worth. Despite being a person living with HIV, he turned his traumatic past into a nonprofit business that he launched in Huntsville, Alabama. He was in the middle of launching his new site in the heart of Atlanta.

The ring that his friend, Kasey, had given him was worth a lot of money. A billion dollars to be exact. Trey Campbell and Kasey kept in touched until the day she passed away in jail, someone that she knew had slit her throat due to her previous lifestyle. Trey didn't feel alone anymore like before; he had multiple angels watching over him. Corbin, Kasey, and his mother guiding him to greatness with the help of God of course. Trey was now a well-known author, philanthropist, and advocate on HIV. He even started a nonprofit that would aid sex workers, and drug dealers to receive assistance that they needed. The name of this nonprofit was, The Kasey Corbin's Way. He remembered an old friend saying to him, that good people do bad things to survive.

"Mr. Campbell, Darvon is here to see you." Trey's assistant stated. "You can let him in through." Walking through the grey and purple double doors that led into Trey's office, Darvon smiled as he and Trey hugged. "Have a seat," Trey insisted. "I have a wonderful business proposition for you." Darvon eyed Trey up and down, "and what may that be?" Trey smiled grew bigger. "How would you like to be a part of a movie, titled Living Proof?" Trey paused. "You will play my character." Darvon eyes grew huge. "I'll be honored, but why me?" Trey took a seat on the corner of his desk. "You and I are very similar. It was your documentary that encouraged me to move to Atlanta." Trey continued, "we favor one another and are around the same age. I would love if you could be the star in my movie." Darvon took a second to think about the offer. "Yes. I would be delighted." They both smiled. "I just want to say, that you are living proof that God is real." Darvon stated. "Well, thank you Darvon." Trey thanked him. "I will have my people to keep in touch." Darvon exited Trey's office. Trey walked towards his desk, pulled out his picture of he and his mom. "You are living proof." The words Darvon stated repeated in his head. "'I love you ma." He placed the photo back into the desk, turned out the lights, and locked up his office.


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