Chapter Six (Stop!)

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It was now October and the trio's friendship have really blossomed. Corbin moved into Kasey's one-bedroom apartment, Trey got a job as a retail worker stocking shelves and was able to get an apartment in the same complex that Kasey stayed. "What are you two over there doing?" Trey asked on his new cell phone. "Nothing. I am here alone." Corbin responded, "Kasey is out somewhere, again." Trey glanced at the time on the clock. "'s one in the morning. Where is she?" Corbin sighed, "I do not know. She said she was still at work, but that was about an hour and half ago." "Let's just hope that she is okay. I'm about to go to sleep, have to work in the morning." Trey yawned, "keep me posted." Corbin agreed and they hung up their phones.

The next morning, Kasey came creeping into her apartment. She made it halfway to her bedroom until Trey cleared his throat making his presence known. "Oh hey. Good morning you guys." Kasey greeted her two male friends. They looked at one another and back at her, "where have you been?" Corbin interrogated. "You had us both worried about you." Trey chimed in. Kasey bowed her head, "I do apologize. My relief never came and so I had to do a double." Kasey replied. Trey examined her attire, "where do you work?" Trey asked while circling her to get a better look, she had on red high heels that came to the knee, a grey and black mini skirt, a crop top that exposed her belly ring, and pink faux fur. "You look like you came from a strip club on amateur night." Corbin joked. Kasey glared at him. "I am sex worker. I didn't want you two know and then judge me for doing what I needed to do to make ends meet." Kasey finished her statement and stormed into her room. Trey gave Corbin a nasty look, "see what you did?"

Both Trey and Corbin came barging into Kasey's bedroom, where she was laying down staring into space. Trey laid on the left side of her and Corbin on the other side. There was a brief silence among the friends until Trey spoke. "Why would we judge you for doing what you need to do?" He looked into her eyes, so she could know he was being genuine. "You are a strong beautiful woman and I know what I said earlier wasn't right and I do apologize. It takes guts to do what you do." Corbin inputted. "I know a very intelligent lady that you may know." Trey began, "and she once told me that good people do bad things. That we have to do things to survive." He smiled. "You may know her." Kasey smiled so hard that her cheeks began to hurt. " I love you guys." Kasey yelled. "And we love you, too."

That same night, Trey was about thirty minutes from clocking out, suddenly, he heard someone from behind. "Hey you." He turned around and seen it was Marco. "Hey." Trey stammered, "Marco, right?" Marco looked surprised that Trey knew his name. "I remember your name from the morning we were at Waffle House." "I am Trey, Trey Campbell." He introduced himself. "Marco, Marco Greene." He replied. "So, you work here?" Marco implored. "Naw, they were giving away these vests to people on the street and I took one to keep." They both laughed. "You got jokes I see." Marco laughed. "That was a bad question." Marco replied. "What time are you off?" Trey checked the time on his phone and answered his question. "Now." Trey blushed. "You stay far?" Marco asked. Trey's smile faded, "I do not. Why you ask?" Marco laughed, "I was going to see if you needed a ride home." Marco said as he eyed Trey up and down. Trey shook his head, "thanks, but I'm good." "Can I ask you a question?" Trey flipped the spotlight on him, "it's really two questions." Marco nodded. "Shoot." Trey then asked both is questions, "how old are you and what made you leave Alabama?" Marco paused for a second, then replied. "I am nineteen and I had got into some trouble and needed to leave, plus I had to come back. Family needed me." "Wait right here." Trey requested, "let me clock out and we can continue this conversation." Marco nodded his head.

It was now eleven thirty at night, Trey and Marco was at McDonald's sharing fries and getting to know one another. "Where did you get all that money?" Trey grilled. "What money?" Marco had a suspicious look on his face. Trey laughed, "the money you gave to the woman and her son and the generous tip you gave the Waffle House waitress." Marco was relieved. "Dang stalker much." Marco chuckled. "I have my ways of getting money. This world will either make you or break you." Trey just stared into Marco's eyes. He thought to himself, "I can't put my finger on it, but I heard his voice before." Marco then asked Trey a personal question, "why did you leave Alabama?" Trey just sat there, and a few moments passed. "I was disowned by my father and my mom tried to stop it, but he hit her." Trey held back his tears just thinking about it. "I'm sorry man." Marco sat there and his presence was all Trey needed right then. "Okay. I guess I'll take that ride home." Trey smiled. "Cool." Marco said devilishly.

Pulling up to the apartment complex in all black tinted Chevy suburban, Marco kept eyeing Trey. "Well, this is it. Thanks for the conversations, it was really nice." Trey thanked Marco. "Can I follow you up?" Marco insisted, "I had too much lemonade and have to use the bathroom." Trey contemplated. "It's fine, I understand. I'll just hold it." Marco stated. "It's cool. Come on." At the front door, Trey turned the doorknob to enter his one-bedroom apartment. "The bathroom is to the left down the hall." Trey directed. Marco took off running towards the bathroom. Trey went to his bedroom directly across from the bathroom and came out of his uniform. He stripped all the way down to his underwear and started to put on some basketball shorts, out of nowhere, he felt hands on his body. Trey swiftly turned around and seen that Marco's underwear was around his ankles. "I noticed at Waffle House you eyeing me down. Well, here's your chance to get what you wanted." Trey shook his head, "I'm good man." Trey looked down at the fully hard 12-inch dick throbbing. "You sure?" Marco asked. "Yeah man. I am good. Plus, I never had sex with a guy before." Marco's mouth formed a huge smirk. "Well, tonight is your lucky night."

Marco grabbed Trey by the waist and forced him onto his bed. "Get off of me!!" Trey screamed. He tried to fight back, but Marco was overpowering him. "Naw nigga. You want this." Marco shouted as he spun Trey on his stomach. "Get off of me." "This is rape." Trey hollered. Marco laughed. "You can't rape the willing." Marco ripped off Trey's underwear exposing his nice bubble butt; he then spat into his right palm to lube up the hole. Trey had tears running down his cheeks. "Stop!" That was the last word he uttered, until Marco shoved his dick inside Trey's virgin ass. Trey yelled in pain and it made Marco go even harder. Three minutes had passed, and Marco pulled his large package out of Trey's gaping bloody hole. "Thanks for the ass." Marco laughed and pulled up his pants. A few moments later, Trey heard his front door slam closed. Not able to move; Trey just laid there in pain.

Starting up the engine, Marco noticed a familiar face. "Aye mane. Is that really you?" He yelled out his driver side window. "Yeah. Demarco is that you?" Corbin looked confused. "What you doing out here?" Marco wiped his mouth. "Just got done fucking a bitch that stays out here. Couldn't handle all this dick." Marco laughed. Corbin just stood there. "Well, it's getting late, but take my number." Marco demanded. Corbin took his number and watched his brother drive away into the night.

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