Chapter 15: First World: Weasel slipped in through the window

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As the sun set in the game horizon with NPCs doing as they should, Wen Qinxi was busy celebrating as he no longer had to slave everyday cooking for Qie Ranzhe and his gang. He might have been okay in the kitchen but that didn't mean he liked it. Like any lazy bachelor he was fed up, tired of dealing with smoky charcoal fires everyday.

Five days ago, he had introduced the group of boys to the kind-hearted cooks who would be bringing them food each and every day. To top it all off, they would receive pre-packed breakfast for the next day so they didn't have to rely on one meal a day. He had to give it to Master Lin, the man was efficient in everything he did.

Because of the new arrangement, he hadn't seen Qie Ranzhe for five days straight which he was perfectly fine with. The agreement was to provide his boys with food not the method of delivery. All he knew was that he was on the right track, a fed Qie Ranzhe would blacken less than a starved one, right?

What he didn't know was that in those five days someone else was discontented with the new arrangement not for others but for himself. The food just didn't taste the same as though something was missing but Machu couldn't understand what Qie Ranzhe meant.

"Ran-ge the food is great and we even get breakfast now, l don't understand why you seem dissatisfied. I say, it even tastes better than what Lin Jingxie made, the chef is definitely an upgrade bu-," said Machu before he was suddenly interrupted.

"Did he come today?" he asked leisurely fiddling with his food with no appetite whatsoever.

Machu creased his brows wondering why Qie Ranzhe even cared whether Lin Jingxie came or not. He had to admit, the scumbag had come through instantly improving their quality of life. They now had one less thing to worry about.

Lin Jingxie had gone as far as passing over medicine for Xie Ruen which was something he only thought would ever happen when pigs fly but there were no piggies in the sky.

"No he didn't come," replied Machu still mauling over it.

"Have you seen him lately?" he asked again with his head down still messing around with his food.

The second question was like a moment of epiphany for Machu, he now understood why Qie Ranzhe was asking all these questions. "Oh now l see, you are worried Lin Jingxie is upto no good." lt finally made a whole lot of sense now.

Qie Ranzhe finally raised his head pursing his lips before saying, "Yes, l am worried about that," but he himself wasn't even sure of the reason why and didn't want to continue mauling over it.

"Send someone to watch him and report back to me every single day," he said tossing the bowl aside before lying down on his mat with a brooding countenance.


Wen Qinxi had enjoyed a ten day vacation, free of the overbearing boss. In those ten days he had a lot of fun, if he wasn't messing around with Lin Mingxu doing weird shit, he would be hanging out with Jolie, Xia Bai and Hei Bao.

Time really moved fast in the game though he had only gone through two days in the real world. Tonight they were playing online mahjong with the three of them losing money to Jolie who didn't even have use for money.

'Fuck! Jolie you don't even need the money. Damnit, you cleaned out my lunch money for the entire month,' complained a broke Hei Bao.

'Whats your problem l need the money,' said Jolie looking to start a new round.

'What the fuck for? I don't want to play anymore,' said Xia Bai throwing the towel. He even suspected the cunning system for cheating.

'I have transferred it all to boss Wen,' said an all excited system. As though the money transfer wasn't shocking enough, the form of address made Wen Qinxi's skin crawl with goosebumps forming all over.

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