Chapter 11: First World: Overqualified Lunch Lady

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After the whole debacle with Qie Ranzhe, the Lin boys had to jump over the fence at the back of mansion otherwise if Master Lin were to find out that they had been in a fight, there would a second round of beatings in one day.

Since Lin Mingxu was taller than Lin Jingxie, he had to boost his older brother over the fence but because he underestimated his own strength, Wen Qinxi was hauled over the fence landing face first onto the ground.

"Dage!" loudly whispered a panicked Lin Mingxu jumping over the fence with ease only to find half of Lin Jingxie's face smeared in mud. "Jin-ge, l am so sorry," he said trying to brush off the mud on Wen Qinxi's face.

Wen Qinxi spit out some dirt that went in his mouth as he swore out loud, "Fuckkkkk!" which he soon regretted as it attracted Madam Lin's attention. Lin Mingxu pulled Lin Jingxie into the bushes to hide from their mother who came out yelling looking for the culprit.

"Who dares to use such vulgar language in my house?" she yelled holding a white slipper Lin Mingxu was all to familiar with. The boys patiently crouched down crossing their fingers that she would leave soon.

Wen Qinxi couldn't believe what a crappy day he had just had. All he could do was chant 'One billion yuan, one billion yuan' under his breathe otherwise he would have thrown in the towel and smashed his head on the wall to get out of the game.

The frustrated Madam Lin finally left giving the boys a chance to escape. They would have to make up an excuse for not coming to dinner tonight otherwise Master Lin would most definitely punish them when he saw those bruises from the fight. Not only that but Wen Qinxi had a food run waiting for him tomorrow and had to feed eight plus boys.

"Fuck!" he swore while lowering himself into a hot bath, his whole body hurt as though he had been hit by a steam train. 'Qie Ranzhe better be fucking worth it,' he thought as the heat soothed his aching muscles.

A concerned Lin Mingxu, who was currently washing the bloody evidence off their clothes, came in asking if he was okay.

"Jin-ge he hurt you, we need to teach him a lesson. You don't have to do what he says either," said Lin Mingxu sitting next to the bath with a wan appearance. It hurt watching his brother take hits for him and someone had to pay for this. If not Qie Ranzhe then someone as equally important.

Knowing fairly well what Lin Mingxu was thinking, Wen Qinxi decided to nip this in the bud otherwise he would never succeed and get the annoying CEO out of this place. "Mingxu do you trust my judgment?"

Of course, Lin Mingxu trusted him completely even when he made the worst decisions that ultimately implicated the both of them. Lin Mingxu blindly followed his brother no matter what he did. The teenager nod his head to Wen Qinxi's satisfaction.

"Then from this day forth don't ever mess with Qie Ranzhe or his boys ever again. If they start something with you, just come tell me about it but don't lay a hand on them. Did l make myself clear?" he asked in an authoritative tone expressing that there was absolutely no room for negotiation.

Though unhappy about Lin Jingxie's decision, he decided to accept it with a weary heart. As long as Qie Ranzhe doesn't cross the line again, he was willing to listen to his brother.

Early nightfall Wen Qinxi decided to go to bed using his near death experience as an excuse and that he needed Lin Mingxu to watch over him. Thus the two brother escaped Master Lin's interrogation.

Finally alone, it was about time for Wen Qinxi to have a little chat with the system and so he called for it. "Jolie would you like to come out now so we can have a little chat?" said Wen Qinxi in the most gentle tone as possible hoping this would motivate it to do better but the trashy system had an out of service tag flying in his face.

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