Chapter - 2

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You blink your eyes as the loud sound of a rooster fills your ears. The sunlight pours into the room from the windows, glaring into your eyes. As you pushed yourself up, you noticed a package wrapped neatly in blue duct tape. You got out of bed and knelt down to the box, taking the note that was taped onto it. 'Here's a little something to get you started. -Mayor Lewis'. You placed the note on the ground, tugging the duct tape off of the package and opening up the cardboard box. Inside was a bunch of little packets with a parsnip picture on the front. You took one out, reading the front and back, assuming they were seed packets.

You took them all out of the box, absentmindedly shoving them into your pockets and walking toward the TV. You looked around for a remote, quickly realizing you'd have to control the TV with the buttons on the sides. Kneeling down to the floor again to find the power button, pressing the red button. You heard a whirring sound and the TV had turned on, only three channels seemed to be on and the TV was very staticky. You didn't know how you would survive without internet but you'd have to figure it out. The weather channel seemed most useful so you clicked on that one first.

Welcome to KOZU 5... your number one source for weather, news, and entertainment. And now, the weather forecast for tomorrow... It's going to be clear and sunny all day.

You tucked that information away and ignored the Fortune Teller channel believing it was bullshit. You instead clicked onto the channel called, 'Livin' Off The Land' which was apparently some farming guide show which might be useful for a newbie farmer. 

Welcome to 'Livin' Off The Land'. We're back again with another tip for y'all. Now listen up: This one's for all you greenhorns out there: chop and search for wild to earn some cash while waiting on your first harvest!

The man's voice was extremely country but oddly satisfying to listen to. You turned off the television, the whirring noise coming to a stop. You stood up, looking around the small cabin, eventually spotting a tool rack. You grabbed what you assumed was a hoe and carried it with you out the door, the sun even brighter out here. You researched as much as you could on farming before you came here so you had a pretty good idea on what you had to do. First things first, you'd have to clear out the foliage from around the front of your house. 

You pulled a couple weeds and grass out from the soil, tossing some of them into your pockets. Who knows if you'll need it later? You threw some stones off to the side, some of the pebbles you kept in your pockets as well. Lastly, you threw a couple of the logs into the lumber pile beside your house. You were a little tired, but kept going. Next step was to hoe the dirt to get the seeds to the fertile soil which you tried to do and expertly failed at. You soon realized you were holding it the wrong way, so you moved your hand placement and tried it that way, which seemed to work fine.

You successfully hoed one piece of land, a triumphant smile on your face. You got to work on tilling more dirt before taking out a seed packet and ripping it open. You crouch down to the hoed land, digging a small hole and pouring the seeds in. You cover it back up with soil, repeating those steps 14 more times until all of the seed packets were all empty. Crossing off those steps in your brain, you know that you need to water the seeds. You head back inside, looking around the tool rack for the watering can, picking it up by the handle. You head toward the small pond you had spotted yesterday.

You filled it up with the water from the pond which was surprisingly blue despite all of the trash you could see at the bottom. Once it was full, you walked back to the crops and poured what seemed like a good about of water on each little dirt lump. Once you finished, the can was still roughly halfway full, so you placed it next to the steps to use tomorrow. You checked your watch which was probably the most high-tech thing in this town. It told you the time, todays weather, the date, and the season. It also kept track of your money which you decided not to question how it worked. 

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