Winter Sleep

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Winter Sleep | ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

Hye-jin was sobbing, slowly slipping out of the officer's arms and onto the rough asphalt. Blood splattered across the concrete and paramedics were quickly pulling her friend from the ground and putting him onto a stretcher. She couldn't bear to look at the scene in front of her, yet she also couldn't look away, the blood and mucus covering the ground underneath his limp and lifeless body. She wailed his name, begging for him to come back, begging for him to look her in the eyes and tell her how much he cared about her one last time.

Suho ran up, ducking under the police tape and trying to get to their friend, but he too was stopped by the officers. Seyeon's hand slipped out from under the white sheet on the stretcher and his bracelet shone in the street lights. Suho slipped down to the ground and started crying. Hye-jin hugged him and buried her face into the boy's shoulder. He was gone, he was really gone and they were never going to see him ever again.

Two Years Later...

"Song Hye-jin, better known by her stage name Hyejin, has come out and said that she ended her contract with MOVE Entertainment two months ago and isn't planning on re-debuting any time soon."

Hye-jin listened to the radio from the passenger seat while her mother's assistant drove her to school. She said it'd be fine to take the bus, but her mother refused now that she was back in the news.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'll turn it off." The assistant reached for the radio.

"No, it's fine, leave it on. I wanna hear what they're saying about me."

"The young artist released a comeback back in February and supposedly terminated the contract later the same month. It's April now and besides the announcement, it's been nothing but radio silence from the ex-idol."

Hye-jin looked out the window. Of course, she would terminate her contract with the company that killed her best friend, was she just supposed to work with all the people who did nothing for him? I suppose I couldn't do anything either....

"Fans are devastated to hear the news after a two-year hiatus. They hope that she's doing well and taking care of herself after the tragic incident with Jung Seyeon."

It's been two years since that night and people still talk about it when they talk about her. She had tried to stay off of social media, but curiosity got the best of her. People blamed her, people defended her, and people told her to follow Seyeon. There had been times she thought about going through with that idea but never got the chance since Ryu was almost always checking in on her despite her telling him to just focus on his sports. He's such a good guy.

The car pulled up to the school and Hye-jin watched through the tinted windows as people stared, wondering who was coming to Yongpa Academy in such an expensive car. Anxiety gripped her, did she have to go back to school? She wasn't like Suho where no one knew that his dad was famous, she couldn't hide if she was the famous one.

"You'll do fine, Hye-jin." Her mother's assistant reassured her, "If anyone gives you a hard time you can go to the principal's office, your mother already contacted them."

Hye-jin looked back at her and nodded. She had to go to school, especially now that her idol career was over and she'd have to get into a good college to be able to take over the family company. She took a deep breath in and then exhaled as she opened the door. She stepped out of the car, pushing her hair back so that it wasn't in her face, and then shutting the door behind her and started to walk towards the faculty room.

She could feel hundreds of eyes burning holes into her skin and their whispering made her ears ring. She knew they were talking about her, after all, a famous ex-idol who was currently all over the news after the announcement of her terminated contract, was attending their school. She'd been an online student at Yongpa since she debuted, but now, she was actually there, any rumor that she was a student had been suddenly confirmed.

My Celebrity - True Beauty - Han Seo JunTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon