Broken? pt2

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Bored as hell at midnight so I write Angst? IDK might forget about posting it and it will just be the next day.

TW: angst

Third Person POV:

fwhip had given up on trying to get Jimmy from Joel. They just kept on climbing higher, and higher before fWhip even got close to them. Jimmy looked at fWhip, but didn't see any angry expression. He saw a sad one, like one you have when you mess up something and you can't fix it, but you still try to. 

Jimmy didn't like this expression, Tango would give him the expression when he (Tango) would blow up something, and sometimes forget how it looks. Trying to fix it, but it not going so well Jimmy would usually catch him in the act of building it. 

Jimmy's eyes begin to water from just thinking of Tango. Joel soon heard some sniffles from the sherif, and stopped to see what was wrong. 

"Tim? Whats wrong?" Joel asked sitting right in front of Jimmy. "Nothings wrong.. just miss Tango.." Jimmy replied looking at the ground, and fight back tears. "Do you want to go with fWhip, or do you want to keep going?" Joel didn't bother asking why? what made him have this random mood change? "I'll go back to fWhip.." 

Jimmy tired to stand up, but fell straight back down. "Woah, Need any help Timmy?" Joel asked standing up and towering over Jimmy. "I don't think so?" Jimmy tired to stand up again, failed and fell forward onto Joel. 

Joel picked up Jimmy (bridal style), and started going down to fWhip. Jimmy didn't like it when Joel liken pick him up like this, it would make him feel smaller then anything.

Joel, was now calling for fWhip's name while he climbed down. fWhip heard him after the sixth time. He may have big ears, but he was far down plus Joel was up quite high.

fWhip turned around to see a not so happy Jimmy, getting carried right to fWhip. Jimmy was looking right at fWhip a little bit scared, but he didn't show it. "So why did you come back?" fWhip asked really confused. "We came back, cause Jimmy said he'll face the long talk you'll have with him. Joel said looking at Jimmy then back a fWhip.

Joel put Jimmy down causing Jimmy to sit on the ground. "Why are you sitting on the ground?" fWhip asked. Jimmy sat there in silence looking up a fashion then back down at the ground. "Jimmy answer me." Jimmy opened his mouth, but nothing came out. 

Joel was starting to get confused on why he won't say it. "Tim why won't you tell fWhip?" Jimmy looked up at Joel, then at fWhip. Looking back down Jimmy tried standing up, but fell back down onto his knees. Jimmy's ankles were hurting really bad, he just didn't want anyone to know why.

fWhip is kneeling down in front of Jimmy starring at him. Jimmy looked at fWhip with a somewhat scared face, but it's more of a face of horror. "I'm gonna ask again. Why won't you tell me what is wrong."

 Jimmy looked away from fWhip trying to stand up again, pushing through the pain. Jimmy wobbled to a near by tree steadying him self on it, until he could walk on his own. 

Joel looked at Jimmy as he wobbled around, Jimmy found where the direction to Tumble town and walked over to the edge. Jimmy started going down to Tumble town, knowing someone might follow him. 

(Time skip like 10-20 minutes)

Jimmy's POV

I was sitting on the coach listening to fWhip talk about how I should "stay here." and to "heal without moving around." I was barely listening, until he brought up Tango. "Do you think Tango would want to see you over working yourself, or Moving when you need to heal?" 

I looked at fWhip right in the eyes. fWhip almost tried returning what he said, but he couldn't now. "You really think his death is a joke?" I said still starring right into his eyes. "No. No why would you think that. He helped me a lot in my Empire." fWhip said, seeing some tears in the corner's of my eyes. 

Third person POV (Why? cause I suck at 'one' person)

Jimmy began to cry remembering Tango, and picturing how he died. (Like how some people can picture an idea or picture a story they are reading) fWhip didn't want to make it worse, so he just left saying "I'll leave you be for now." 

Jimmy stood up and walked almost blindly to his room. After Jimmy got up, he grabbed a pocket knife from his drawer fWhip didn't know about. 

Lost ideas for this will make a pt3 just not rn.                          

847 words

Rancher duo cause there's not enough of them one-shots with some multi partsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora