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Reminder this is just the intro. Ghost love might not come in until maybe 2nd part but will have appearance this part, so hold on for me !! Enjoy the story and remember 2 hands on the phone at all times.

Wc ~ 1274


Reader POV -

"Lady I swear if you don't make rent by THIS week i'm changing the damn locks!" I roll my eyes as my landlord is giving my bloody hell about my rent again. I've been struggling to met ends with the rent date and I can't seem to get it in on time.

"Listen Jermo times are tough ok?" I say trying to reason with the man. I live in a nicer apartment, it's 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, not to forget the very decent size living and kitchen area. With the huge windows in the living area it gives you a amazing view of the city.

"No I don't care anymore it's been going on for 4 months now. Get the rent in soon enough or you will be having a even worse time on the street." He spat at me as he left my front door. I sigh looking around my apartment thinking this might be it. I've had my mind on doing some rather.. Interesting jobs.

Ive looked into the dancing industry but I don't know about that. People seeing mlive doing sexually dancing doesn't sit right with but I have put in deep thought of being a cam girl. Wearing a mask so it more so hides my identity and keeps my private life from the online. I know it sounds horrific but if it helps me pay rent. Girls got to get her money some how.

I walk back over to my couch as I pull out my phone, I pull up the search engine before thinking to myself.

'Do I really want to try this?..' I shake my head and I type in the website.

{ www.dolleduplive.com}


I hesitate before clicking the link. It opens and I see a bunch of lives, people doing all different things. I scroll a little before I click make an account. Making a user and putting in all my information I am now signed up to be a cam girl. This is going to be interesting.

All of a sudden I get a phone call making me jump. I relax realizing who it is.

Renia <3 is calling...

Answer o                    Decline o

pronounced (Re- N - A ) :)

I answer the call from my bestfriend. "Hey hoe" I hear that familiar voice through the phone. "Hey love" I replied, "Renia I made a bad decision but i'm going to be late on rent so I had to". Renia is quite for a few seconds before speaking up "Did you finally sign up" I can basically hear the eye roll through the phone.

"Yes.." I say pulling the phone from my ear as she yells in excitement. "Your gonna be famous!! I'm telling you! You have tits and a FAT ass how could anyone say no?" I laugh at her remark getting up to go look in the mirror.

"Thanks love but I doubt I'll make much, I'm going to have to get stuff though and I'm thinking about setting it up in my guest room for now." I say while gliding my eyes over my body in the mirror.

"Oh honey with your accent AND your body! Perfect match" I sigh. "Would you like to go with me to get stuff for the first recording?" I ask already knowing the answer. "Uhhh who the fuck do you think I am?!" she waits before screaming yes. I tell her to meet me at the mall and we will go shopping. I don't know how i'm going to do this with a budget but you know it WILL happen.


Later on after shopping Renia and I are walking through the lobby when someone catches my eye. It's a tall guy with a mask.. Sketchy. I keep walking as I turn my eye to Renia who is also looking at the mysterious figure sitting in the lounge area.

Soon we make it to the elevators as I turn too look at the man again I see he's looking right at me. My eyes go wide as I turn back around. I noticed his mask had a skull? Now that's scary I think he's a robber to be frankly honest. As I finish that thought the elevator doors open for us.

As soon as they shut I turn to Renia. "What the bloody hell was that." That's all I could say to her as she's looking at me with a smirk. "Listen kink shaming is nothing but babes he was eyeing you up and down." I shake my head trying to get that guy out of my head, it was just creepy how he was starring when I turned around.

We make it to my floor getting off the elevator. Head to my apartment I see there is no box on my neighbors door meaning it must be getting rented by someone. That's great I'll have neighbors. I unlock my door and set everything down.

"Let's get this party STARTED!" Renia says as she grabs the stuff then drags me to the guest room.

"First things first let's set everything up" She starts taking stuff out of the bags, I can say we spent way to much on stuff for this. I start to help her, as I'm rummaging through the bags my face turns red and I pull out a 6 - inch dildo from the spencer's bag.

"Renia!" I say to her as she's setting up my camera. "Your going to need some sort of dick to get it started and you sure as hell don't have a boyfriend or link so I got you that. There a few other things in that bag as well" She winks and goes back to what she was doing.

I look to see a purple vibrator, another dildo a different size from the first and it was blue unlike the first one which was bright pink. 2 pairs of fuzzy handcuffs 'Oh lord' I think to myself. Lastly there was tape for my boobs and a blind fold.

I sigh as I put everything back in the bag.

I shake my head as I get the LEDS out of the other bag to set them up.


After everything is set up we look at each other with a proud look. I look around to see the silk comforter. Red LEDS around the room and in the ceiling light.

"Well babes I've got to get going call me when you finish your first shoot okay?" I nod as she heads out.

I guess I'll do it right now just to get it out of the way. I grab the Victoria Secret bags and head to my room to try on some of the laced undergarments I got.

I try on a red laced top and thong pair and I look in the mirror. They hug my body so perfectly making my curves pop. I through on some normal clothes over this then head over my the new recording room.


For the next chapter you will have to wait and see what happens . >:)

i'm gonna start putting songs at the bottom of each part just for fun..

Simon says - YC banks ( Ft. B. Smyth)


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