The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.

I've enclosed the deed to that place... my pride and joy: (L/N) Farm. It's located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It's the perfect place to start your new life.

This was my most precious gift of all, and now it's yours. I know you'll honor the family name, kid. Good luck.

Love, Grandpa

P.S. If Lewis is still alive say hi to the old guy for me, will ya?

You sat in your chair, looking at the letter in shock. This was the biggest thing you've ever been offered, and you were tempted to take it. You already had the deed to the farm, all that was left was to move there, but did you really want to drop everything and just start a new life? What about all of your friends, not that you had many? What about the life you established here in Zuzu city? Although you weren't entirely sure if you could call what you have a life. You thought about it until you heard the intercom start up, telling everyone break was over. It was then that you made your choice.

-A couple days later-

If you told yourself a week ago that you had quit your job at Joja Mart, got a farm from your deceased grandfather, and had started a whole new life, you would have called yourself a liar. Yet here you are, on a bus to Pelican Town, Stardew Valley. You had to pay a bit extra to the bus driver so that he would take you there, because the Pelican Town Bus was out of order and had apparently been for years. You looked out the window and saw a big green sign, 'Stardew Valley -> 0.5mi' You smiled, grabbing your bags and stuffing your headphones into your backpack as the bus pulled to a stop.

You got off the bus and watched it drive away, revealing the broken down bus that it had parked next to. You turned toward the path and saw a ginger haired woman with her hair in a pony tail, save for a couple pieces at the front. "Hello! You must be Y/N!" She says with a overly cheery attitude. "Yep, that's me." You smile at her. "I'm Robin, the local carpenter." You nod, looking her over. She was wearing a sleeveless vest over a short sleeved muddy yellow shirt paired with dirtied up and ripped blue jeans. "Mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home." She explained.

"Not to sound rude but why couldn't he have gotten me himself? Not that you aren't great first face, cause you are but like, yknow." You asked, trying not to make it sound like you were an ass. "Don't worry, I understand. He's at the farm right now, tidying things up for your arrival." You give her a sound of understanding before picking up your backpack and gesturing to the path, "Well then lets go, I honestly can't wait." You say excitedly as she smiles, turning away from you. "The farm's right over here, if you'll follow me." She speaks, a slight country accent on a few of the words.

You follow her through the little opening in the fenced off area, taking a right through a pathway until you reach a fenced off area. You walk through and you are greeted by a small house, a bin set up right next to it. The farm area was surrounded by small cliffs, and fences, making the area closed off, except for the opening you came through, a small opening at the bottom of the farm, and a way through the top of it. The farm land was covered in trees, fallen stones and branches, and grass. Lots of grass. Its quite a beautiful show of mother nature.

"This is L/N farm." Robin says, motioning to the whole area. You widen your eyes in a slight panic. You knew that you were supposed to make money off of farming because now you don't have a job, but how were you supposed to farm with all of the flora covering everything? "What's the matter?" Robin says as if the farm wasn't covered in all sorts of grass and other materials. You stand there with a dumbfounded expression. "Explain to me how you think I'll be able to farm with all of this," You gesture to everything, "covering the dirt." You ask sarcastically.

"Sure, it's a bit overgrown, but there's some good soil underneath that mess!" She says, too cheerily for her own good. "Yeah, you're a carpenter. This must be paradise for you. For a farmer...not so much." She nods in understanding but playfully punches your arm. "With a little dedication you'll have it cleaned up in no time." Her words relax you a bit. Taking a deep breath, you look out onto the farm. It's just a few trees and stone, how hard could it be to remove? You walk closer to the front of the house, the smell of old wood was quite comforting.

"...And here we are, your new home." She gave you an opened mouth smile, her eyes crinkling. The front door creaked open as an old man in a brown news boy cap and suspenders walks out. "Ah, the new farmer!" He says happily, standing on the porch before walking down to stand level with you. "Welcome! I'm Lewis, Mayor of Pelican Town." So this was the mayor. He looked to be about in his 60-70s maybe 80s but he definitely seemed like the kind of guy your grandpa would be friends with. His bright green shirt was a bit much though. "You know, everyone's been asking about you." He mentioned which made you tilt your head.

"It's not every day that someone new moves in. It's quite a big deal!" He exclaims as if he could sense your confusion. I suppose it would be common knowledge though, I mean, it isn't like this place was super well known or anything, although it had won 'Best Luau Soup' one year which you saw in the paper. He turned toward the house, sighing deeply, "So... You're moving into your grandfather's old cottage." He looks at it, becoming sentimental. "It's a good house... very 'rustic'." He sighed deeply.

You look at the house, deciding on whether Lewis used the right word or not. "Rustic? That's one way to put it..." Robin said doubtfully, looking over the house as well. " 'Crusty' might be a little more apt. though." She chuckles. You knew she was kind of right, but it still hurt a little. Your grandfather took great care of this house and it just... changed a little over the years. Lewis looked taken aback and glared at Robin. "Rude!" He exclaimed, you weren't expecting him to trash her store though. "Don't listen to her, Y/N. She's just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades." He grumbles.

You hide a snicker under your hand as Robin is taken by surprise, but only huffs in response. Lewis glares at her one last time before softening his expression and turning to you again. "Anyway... You must be tired from the long journey. You should get some rest." He suggests and you nod. Zuzu city wasn't super far from Pelican Town, but it was a couple hours and trains aren't exactly the best place to sleep. "Yeah, I should probably lie down. I haven't gotten a good sleep in years." You stretch your arms as Lewis nods at you.

"Tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself. The townspeople would appreciate that." He mentions. It would be nice to actually be able to make friends here. Finding a partner would be tough but friends you could do...right? "Maybe I will, thank you Lewis." He nods and smiles before turning to leave but stopping in his tracks. "Oh, I almost forgot. If you have anything to sell, just place it in this box here. I'll come by during the night to collect it." You slowly nod at his words. It was kind of creepy but you would have to deal with it. "Well... Good luck!" He exclaims, turning to actually leave the farm this time.

Robin goes to follow him before stopping and turning back to you. "Oh, and by the way. You have a straight path to my carpentry store so if you need me I'll be there. You should stop by and meet my family. My kids need to make more friends anyway." You smile at her, and at the thought of making a few friends. "I might. Thank you Robin. I'll see you later." She smiles at you before actually going to leave. You walk up the steps to your house and open the door, your smile faltering a bit at the sparse room but hey, this is home. You go straight for the bed, dropping your back pack by the edge of it and flopping on it. You pass out almost instantly.

Maybe this place could be your home.

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