Part 11 wizard king 

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Writer note:in this story Julius having a son never had time to find out magic item do dead for real this time
At the black bulls base
Yami:Carson I need you
Carson:yes captain, sir
Yami:they need at the capital magic parliament need you
Carson: yes sir
Carson think what could they want me for?
At magic parliament
Damnatio:Carson I nice to see you again
Carson:hey Damnatio you all time knowing you never want to talk to me so this must be important
Damnatio:yea as know since your father passed away, we don't have a wizard King me magic parliament realize you're not ready to be wizard king
However your best bet so would accept her role as a wizard king
Carson:yes I guess I have no choice for king-doom
Damnatio:one thing in order to wizard king you need something usually we don't do anything but since you're kid, you will need something you have a month to find it
Carson: what is it?
At the black bulls base
Asta:why want go date with someone
Carson:Mimosa I want ask her on a date but a double date might make her feel more comfortable even though I did know her all my life
Asta:oh see but who
Carson: whoever you like Maybe Noelle
Carson: yeah, you're inseparable
Asta: I won't put like that plus i'm a commoner
Carson: when did you let bother you all of a sudden
Asta:yeah you right but what if she attacks me?
Carson: I got under control
Noelle:whatt!!! Why!!!
Carson:Mimosa I want ask her on a date but a double date might make her feel more comfortable
Noelle:why musclehead idiot
Caraon: because I know you like him you're always flustered around him plus sally thing with shirt I definitely could tell you're getting upset
Noelle: just because I was concerned for his well-being
Carson: yeah, sure
Noelle: but this isn't like you Sure you always like
Mimosa but did you like this?
Carson: whisper something
Noelle: fine, but only because of the kingdom
Carson: don't tell anyone it's top-secret also don't tell us asta I asked for him I just didn't want you to attack him so act surprise
At the double date
Asta:wow this food look amazing I wonder I should pick
Noelle:it big deal
Carson:well I heard in hage most what they was potatoes am right asta?
Asta: pretty much yeah It very eat something else
Carson:than glad you get something nice
??:is commoner with royal
??: they might be on a date look how dress
Carson:yes he commoner but with different does that make his amazing magic knight that Risk he's his life against eye midnight Sun
??: yeah commoners are not so bad
??: we're all human
After the date
Mimosa:hey Carson
Carson:yeah Mimosa
Mimosa: something seems bothering you today
Carson: right well as you know, we have no wizard king magic parliament want be wizard king they said i'm your only option however they want get married to get the position
Mimosa: married?? But why
Carson: they said, since I'm 16 I don't need some help running the clover kingdom and it's tradition the wizard king has been married he has have a queen so so I was wondering will you marry me
1 week later
Yami:black bulls it time
Asta:time for what
Yami: they chose in the next wizard an all magic knight need to be present when they crowned the next wizard king
Asta: well, really who's next Wizard king
Yami: you see, I don't ruin the surprise plus i'm not allowed to say
Asta: what does he mean by that?
At ceremony
Damnatio:welcome clover, kingdom to the wizard king ceremony
Asta:where Carson it's an all magic supposed to be here
Damnatio: now then to announce our wizard king
Carson novachrono
Magna:say what now
Gordon:my best friend
Yami: way go kid
Asta:but how
Noelle: honestly, this should be to be expected
Yamo: seems beat me to the race Carson
Asta: but I will win against Yano
Yano: but I will win against asta
Damnatio:now our queen Mimosa Vermillion
Asta:what he getting married
Noelle: yes it tradition
Asta:wow did not know that
At the capital
Yami:yes your highness I guess you want to speak with me
Carson: yes I believe the spade kingdom is playing attack the spy that we sent been telling ask some concerning details about spade kingdom apparently they been working with devils like the one we fight the more powerful
Yami:I see
Carson: so I want black bulls since they have their own devil possess I want them to learn much as I can about devil and hopefully find a weakness and I believe in the powerful leaders to get stronger think get ready
Yami:I see well will get right into it
writers note:this end with our Carson because he's the wizard king the story won't change as much so this end
The end

Black clover x male renderحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن