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769 11 4

Daniel's pov

I woke up and johnny was still sleeping. i smiled and moved his hair out of his face and smiled. I slowly got out of bed making sure not to wake him. I went into the kitchen and started looking for something to make for breakfast. I found some bacon and started cooking. Johnny must've woke up because I heard something in my room. I pushed it off and kept making the bacon. Johnny walked out and sat at the table half asleep. I laughed.

"Hey Johnny. how did you sleep?" I said smiling at him. he gave a thumbs up and I smiled. "thats good" I said and smiled. I finished cooking and left out a plate for My mom and brought a plate to the table. I've noticed that Johnny doesn't talk much when he wakes up and it's adorable. he answers with nods and head shakes and occasionally a point if I'm lucky. it's funny how he's talkative any other time of the day but in the mornings he's as quiet as a mouse. I smiled and ate some bacon. I looked out side and it was fairly sunny out. I looked at Johnny who was staring at me. I smiled and blushed then got up and took care of the now empty plate. I put everything away and as I was getting water someone's arms wrapped around my waist. it was Johnny. I smiled and continued to drink my water. Johnny kissed my cheeks and smothered me with hugs. I chuckled at the efectionate blond. he's clingy too. I never noticed how clingy he can be. was he this clingy with Ali. oh shit. I forgot about Ali! what will she think. I'm dating her ex. that she basically hates. damn it. how will I tell her? Johnny hugged me tighter.

"what's the matter?" He said resting his head on my back. I looked over my shoulder at him.

"its nothing Johnny. I just remembered something" I said smiling. he smiled back and we went outside. we went to the park and sat on the swings and just talked. I watched as he went on to tell stories about him and the cobra kais and all the things they do. I smiled and got up. I walked over to a tree and sat under it because it was getting hot. Johnny came over and sat down next to me.

"I know your not okay daniel" he said with no context. I looked over at him.

"what do you mean? I'm just fine" I said. I wasn't really fine but I wasn't going to let him know that.

"don't lie to me. i can tell your lying. you can talk to me daniel. if you dont want to talk now I understand but please tell me when your ready" he said grabbing my hand and it made my heart soar. I've never seen him so considerate. I leaned on his shoulder and he put his hand on my head.

"well I was thinking. how are wr going to tell Ali! what if she hates me after." I said. it felt nice to get that off of my mind.

"well if she doesn't like you because of who your dating she's not a real friend. it's her loss for not being friends with you" he said and I smiled.

"thanks johnny" I said kissing his cheek.

"no problem Danny boy" he said moving hair out of my face. we sat there for a while and when Johnny looked at me it seemed like the world stopped. I want to sit with him forever.

"Johnny wanna go to the dinner?" I asked him looking up at him.

"sure, it'll be our first official date" he said smiling wide. I smiled and kissed him. he pulled me infront of him and kissed me back.

"maybe the dinner can wait a little longer" I said kissing him and putting my arms around his neck. that earned a little chuckle from him. we kissed for a little then got up and headed to the dinner.

"for you sir" he said holding the door open and I laughed a little.

"thank you sir" I said walking up to the counter. we sat at a booth and talked for a little until the waitress came and took our orders. I got a coke and a burger and Johnny got a shake and just some frys he said he wasn't that hungry. we ate and talked for a little while after our food came. he switched spots and sat next to me. I smiled and looked back at him. he smiled and kissed my cheek and I chuckled. he looked at me and we locked eyes and smiled. and yet again it felt like the world stopped. he grabbed my hand and paid for the food and dragged me out as I chuckled.

"Johnny what are you doing?" I said following him. we went to a park and sat under a tree.

"nothing important. I just wanted to be alone with you" he said and I smiled. I leaned over and kissed him. he put his hand on my cheek and deepened the kiss. I smiled and layed my head on his chest. we looked at the clouds for a while. he played with my hair as we sat under the tree enjoying the comfortable silence that we had made after month and months of fighting. I smiled and closed my eyes for a little bit. he kissed my head.

"I love you daniel" he said and I smiled wider than the Nile river. I turned my head and looked at him. "its okay if you don't want to say it back yet" he said and he moved the hair out of my face. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too, johnny" I said leaning my head back onto his shoulder. I've never felt so loved without having a big gesture made. I'm glad me and him made up. I'm glad we aren't fighting anymore.

A/n: wouldn't it be funny if this was the last chapter? 😂 🤣

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