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Daniel's pov.

I open the door and call for ma but she doesn't answer. she must be at work. I sighed and went to my room and put my stuff down. I thought about what to do. I could cook? no. I could clean? too boring. I could go outside? nope did that already. "WHAT CAN I DO?!" I yelled to myself. just then the phone rings. I go up to it and answer.

"hello? LaRusso residence" I said leaning against the wall.

"Hey LaRusso" I heard a familiar voice say. it's johnny.

"Hey? Johnny how'd you get my number?" I asked now very curious.

"your mom" he said quietly.

"giving stalker right there sir" I chuckled and so did he.

"how else was I supposed to get ahold of you?" He asked. it was a rhetorical question.

"OK ok you got me there" I said still leaning against the wall. "what did you call for though?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. I'm extremely bored and everyone else was busy" I was a little offended.

"ah good to know I want your first pick but whatever. sure I can hang out. where do you want to meet?" I asked him.

"um. I actually don't know..." he said which made me chuckle once again.

"let's meet at the park I guess." I said to him standing up straight.

"OK works. the one you yelled at me at? I'll be there" he said laughing a little.

"Oh yeah. that's the one. see ya Lawrence" I said hanging up. I grabbed some food and water, then put my jacket back on. then walked out the door. the parks only like a block away so I walk. when I get there I see Johnny and one other person? who is that? I think to myself. I jog up to them.

"ey LaRusso" Johnny said and I nodded I looked at the other one and I remembered the night I got fucking jumped. thats Bobby! he's the one which tries to get them to stop...

I look at Bobby and smile.

"Hey! your Bobby righ?" I say putting a hand out. he looks surprised that I knew his name.

"y-yeah. how'd you know?" He said shaking my hand.

"well your the only nice cobra-kai" I said with a little chuckle. he seemed to like that.

"ha yeah. and sorry about my friends" he said looking nervous.

"dony sweat it! I definitely wouldn't mind forgiving you" I said patting his shoulder. I look over at Johnny and he looks confused and mad at the same time.

"what's going on here?" He said.

"I just forgave him?" I said confused.

"you never forgave me!" he said sounding offended.

"one forgiveness isn't easy to get and two. you never said sorry!" I said. he rolled his eyes and we began to walk to the park.

as they were at the park daniel couldn't help but notice Johnny seemed angry. daniel needed to get Bobby away for a second to ask him about it. he remembered he put his waters on a bench a little bit away from where they were. "Hey Bobby can you go get those waters over there please?" daniel asked and Bobby happily obliged. little did daniel know Johnny was jealous. nor only was he jealous but ge didn't know that he was jealous himself.
"Hey Johnny you ok? you seem on edge" daniel asked Johnny.
"I'm fine." Johnny said his face instantly relaxing. daniel nodded and gave him a little smile. Bobby came back with the waters. daniel had only brought 2 waters though.
"umm you guys can drink the waters" daniel said handing them both the waters. Johnny shook his head and lightly pushed it back.
"no you have it." Johnny said.
"no I live closer you have it" daniel said pushing it closer.
"no" Johnny said more sternly. they went back and forth for a bit until Bobby stopped them.
"guys. let's just go to Danny's and get some more water" Bobby said.
"d-danny?" Johnny said.
"Yeah I just thought about it. is that okay daniel?" Bobby said concerned now.
"Yeah it's cool! never had a nickname before other than from my mom" daniel said chuckling a bit.
"can we go to your house and get more water now" Johnny said now annoyed.
"Yeah let's go" daniel said trying not to make Johnny angry. they began walking to Daniel's house. as they approached daniel saw his moms car in the parking lot. daniel was suddenly happier. he started walking quicker to his apartment. when he got inside he saw his mom and smiled.
"hi ma" he said walking up to her and hugged her.
"hi my baby" his mom said smiling.
"they wanted to come over and have something to drink." he said walking to the fridge grabbing some drinks.
"OK well you guys do that" she said walking out of the kitchen. they all sat down and began talking and drinking their drinks.
"Hey daniel?" Bobby said.
"hm?" daniel said finishing his drink.
"why was there a dent outside on the wall?" Bobby asked.
"um its nothing." daniel said getting from his seat. Bobby and Johnny looked at each other and let it be. they all looked outside and it was getting late.
"you guys should get goin' " daniel said leaning on the counter. they all nodded and Johnny got up first.
"thanks larusso, for the drink" Johnny said tiling his cup to daniel before handing him the cup.
"Yeah thanks Danny boy!" Bobby said handing him his cup and patting his shoulder.
"no problem. awing by anytime" daniel said waking them to the door. Johnny and Bobby left and daniel was now alone again. not completely alone but alone enough he wanted to cry. but he didn't he went to his room and began thinking about what to do later and the day after. he was done. he wondered then about how much Johnny wanted his number to ask his mom for the house number? why would someone so good looking-
yes he did

A/n: thanks for reading this! much love!<3

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