YR 4 ☆•°~'* 07

Start from the beginning

'You and the rest of the world,' said Harry bitterly.

'- and disregarding that Skeeter woman's article,' Sirius continued sternly. 'A lot of Death Eater attacks have been reported lately, mainly on Muggles-'

'What?' said Y/N, feeling her face go cold. Her parents were Muggles, and if they were ever targeted -

'Not anywhere near where you and Harry live,' said Sirius, turning to Y/N.

'How do you know where I live-?'

'Harry told me in one of his letters the previous summer,' said Sirius, a small smirk tugging at his lips. Y/N turned to Harry and was surprised to see his face slightly red.

'Sirius, what do I do about the dragon?' said Harry quickly, changing the subject.

'Right - these dragons,' said Sirius, speaking very quickly now. 'There's a way, Harry, and a simple spell's all you need. You just need to -'

But Harry held up a hand to silence him and Y/N turned her face to the doorway leading to the boys' dormitories. They could hear footsteps coming down the spiral staircase.

'Go!' Harry hissed at Sirius. 'Someone's coming!'

'Keep your friends close, Harry,' Sirius said before disappearing from the fire with a pop.

Y/N and Harry scrambled to their feet and watched the bottom of the staircase. A few seconds later, Ron appeared in the doorway, dressed in his maroon pyjamas. He stopped dead at the sight of Harry and Y/N.

'Who were you talking to?' he said.

'Oh, I don't know, Y/N, maybe?' Harry snarled. 'What are you doing down here?'

'I just wondered where you-' Ron broke off, shrugging. 'Nothing. I'm going back to bed.'

'Just thought you'd come nosing around, did you?' Harry said angrily. 

'Sorry about that,' said Ron, his face reddening with anger. 'I expect you're just practising for your next interview-'

Harry suddenly seized a POTTER REALLY STINKS badge (the Creevey brothers had tried to charm it to say SUPPORT HARRY, but failed miserably), and chucked it across the room as hard as he could. It hit Ron on the forehead and bounced off.

'There you go,' Harry said furiously. 'Something for you to wear on Tuesday. You might even have a scar now, that's what you want, isn't it?'

Y/N stood there, speechless, watching as Harry strode across the room towards the stairs; he pushed past Ron and disappeared up the staircase to the dormitories.

❈🌠➵9¾♌ ⚯ 🗲━━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺

Y/N, Harry and Hermione spent the entirety of Sunday studying dragons in the library. They only had two days to find something to get past the dragons, but every book about the creatures proved useless.

'Talon-clipping by charms... treating scale rot...' Harry read, his hopes for a solution deflating by the minute, 'this is no good, this is for nutters like Hagrid who want to keep them healthy...'

'Sirius said a simple spell would do it,' said Y/N, shutting a book about dragon habitats.

'Let's try some spellbooks, then,' said Harry.

He returned to the table with a pile of spellbooks and began to flick through each of them in turn, Hermione whispering non-stop next to him.

'Hermione,' Harry said through gritted teeth, 'will you shut up for a bit, please? I'm trying to concentrate.'

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