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                      (Both are omegas)

First, it was the day Yunjin told her she was breaking up with Sakura. She threw a fit.

"Kkura, honey," Yunjin says, leveled and platitudinal, "you're being unreasonable. shit like this happens all the time."

"do i know them?" Sakura hisses, staring right at Yunjin with eyes alight.

Yunjin swallows, and the longer she takes to open her mouth and spit it out, the quicker Sakura feels her own vitriol rising. "probably. She just joined your team."

the cheerleading team? nobody new has been added, they're still the same twenty two people they've been since last year, save for—

"the new kid?" Sakura breathes out in disbelief. apparently someone passed the auditions, but she's only allowed to join practice starting next month so she can acclimate to the university without getting distracted.

She wrenches herself away from Yunjin, glaring daggers at the alpha on her bed. Yunjin looks guilty, but not guilty enough—fucking prick. "you've been fucking around with her while we were together?" She asks.

"no, no, Kkura—" Yunjin hurries to say when Sakura grabs a shoe and threatens to throw it at her. "we've only talked once, i swear. She asked me for a tour around campus, and i showed her around, that was all!"

Sakura laughs, bitter and wicked, like she was only let in on the joke now. "oh, god! no fucking wonder you've been watching our practice lately!" Her laughter dies down within seconds, and her eyes are sharp and calculating, assessing her.

in the four months they've been dating, Yunjin has never watched their practice, despite Sakura's numerous attempts at getting her to sit on the bleachers and watch her like a supportive girlfriend would. all the other cheerleaders had their partners watch at least once—the lacrosse players, football players, soccer, volleyball.

"you were fucking waiting for her to show up! waiting for her to prance around barely clothed! shit, this is priceless." Sakura can't stop laughing. it was so perfect. here she was, thinking Yunjin was finally giving in because maybe, maybe her affection was turning into love. She laughs until hot, angry tears fall down her cheeks.

Yunjin was breaking up with her for some omega who's been here for barely a week. an omega that she hasn't even met yet.

"and you're, what, planning to court her?" Sakura snaps, voice ringing too loud in the quiet room. Her emotions possess her wholly, nearly corrosive, rage too big for her body to handle.

Yunjin swallows. She grabs a tissue box and offers it to Sakura, who ignores it as she begins to crumple and sob on the floor. "that's the plan." She says softly, and Sakura hates how Yunjin doesn't even bother to get off the goddamn bed to comfort her.

"Kkura, it's not you. i like you. it's just that.. there's just— there's something about her." then, quieter, "you know how i feel about soulmates."

that snaps her out of it—she can't be mad. She really can't. Sakura and Yunjin have had this conversation about soulmates. Yunjin had always believed in them and Sakura never did. it was outdated and stupid, a load of bullshit. only one in a couple thousand people still believed in that crap, and Yunjin just happened to be that one.

while Sakura was propositioning her, insistent and straightforward, Yunjin had told Sakura herself that she didn't want to date anybody who wasn't her soulmate. and Sakura, stupidly, had said it was alright, that Yunjin could break up with Sakura if the day she met her soulmate ever came.

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