The Beach

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(Soon another day at cheer practice everyone was stretching as Camille walks on the field to join the other's)

Camille: Alright y'all come here, come here before we start I have an announcement and I'm only going to say this once so pay attention... Look we're gonna use these step's y'all came up with as a team with a few of Y/n's stunts

Britney: Wait a second I've been telling you since day one, add krumping and you've-

Camille: -look-

Britney: -blown me off-

Camille: -are y'all done?

Britney: -I'm not do- *Diego covered her mouth*

Diego: Y-yeah she is

Camille: Then get your white ass over here and teach me the step's

(Britney moved Diego hand away from her mouth)

Y/n: Now you get to add in your krumping

Jesse: Yeah *looks at her* Tho I'm more interested in your stunts

(Right away they start to get to work even the enemy is working hard they use any opportunity for a practice even game's one day after practice)

Camille: Good work Y'all that routine was the business, right?

Main 6: Yeah

Camille: We're only gonna have one chance, Y'all to clean that up in the game this Friday against Pomona

(As they say there bye's for today Jesse looks at Y/n walking to her sister's car)

Jesse: Y/n hey, hey Y/n *she looks at him* let's go to the beach

Y/n: In November?

Jesse: Yeah *holds out his key's*

Y/n: ...alright *looks at Britney* I'll see you at home sis

Britney: Alright

Diego: Yo Britney mind if I catching a ride with you?

Britney: Hope in

(Jesse take's Y/n to his truck they get in and drive off once they got on the roof)

Y/n: I thought we we're going to the beach

Jesse: This is the beach the Tar beach that's what they called it where my grandparents hooked up

Y/n: Oh really?

Jesse: Yeah

Y/n: Where did they immigrate from?

Jesse: Brooklyn

Y/n: Really?

Jesse: For real they say it was really dangerous back in the day funny thing is *they both take a seat facing each other* they moved here to keep their kids away from gangs Wrong

Y/n: *chuckles look's around* It's nice up here

Jesse: Things do when you step back and take a good look

Y/n: This actually reminds me "Freedom Writers"

Jesse: How so? *looks at her*

Y/n: You can find the beauty in anything

Jesse: Like you?

(She look's at him there eye's lock onto each other they soon slowly lean in till there lip's meets she place both her hands on his face as he lay his on her waits slowly bringing her closer it was a nice loving kiss till Y/n's phone rang they pull away she see's it her mom calling she didn't pick up)

Y/n: I gotta get going

Jesse: I'll drop you off

Y/n: Thanks *both smile and get up to leave he holds her hand they intertwine there fingers*

(Once Jesse drop's off Y/n where they last meet she walked the rest of the way home since he had to work and she didn't want to make him late Y/n got home and walked to her room)

Britney: Where were you?

Y/n: Why?

Britney: I have dirt *grabs Y/n's hand leading her into her room they sit*

Y/n: What happened?

Britney: I kissed another boy tonight

Y/n: Is it Diego? And where?

Britney: Yes and on the mouth

Y/n: No way

Britney: Yes

Y/n: What about Brad?

Britney: Amber told me he's been "studying" with Winnie

Y/n: Brad never study... So you mean...

Britney: Yes and I totally forgot about the homecoming dance was on this Friday

Y/n: So what are you gonna do?

Britney: I don't know

Y/n: You'll find the right answer just rest for now * leave to her room*

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