The Begining

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(It was another boring school day nothing new nor old soon it was Y/n's sister cheer practice Y/n sit on the bench watching her sister lead her squad)

Pacific Vista cheer team: Go Pirates!

Britney: Cradle *fell back from her pyramid walks to the front* Good job, guys let's do that one more time

Winnie: Oh, come on Brit I could do that routine in my sleep

Sierra: Sometimes I walk in my sleep I wonder if I can cheer in my sleep *snores clap kicked left leg back and right arm out hitting 2 people she open's her eye's* Wow! It worked

Britney: Uh... Let's take a break

Y/n: *walk's over* Already 2 people injure

Amber: Yup

Winnie: Well if ever there was an argument for bulimia, it's Brianna's

Y/n: Winnie. Don't.

Amber: Give her a break you're the only one who wants a butt like an Olsen twin

Winnie: Amber alert Pacific Vista has never had a fat cheerleader

Britney: Well, Brianna's the best on the squad so she gained a little weight over the summer

Y/n: She doesn't look that bad

Winnie: Are you kidding me? The girl's a cow you have to talk to her

Y/n: B

Amber: You don't have to say anything it's your squad

Winnie: Brit, if you don't say something to her *whispers* I will

Britney: Okay fine but after practice

Winnie: Why wait? Hey Brianna *got Brianna's attention* Britney has something she wants to tell you

Britney: No, Winnie not in front of everyone

Amber: Yeah Winnie that's so rude

Y/n: *quietly* More like a bitchy move

Brianna: *walk's over with chip's at hand* Hey what's up?

Britney: ....Your weight, Brianna

Brianna: *glance at Winnie, Amber and Y/n* No it's not I weight just a couple pounds more than last year

Britney: And that was pushing it

Brianna: *didn't know how to respond she brushed her hand over her left side* I didn't realize

Britney: Well look *take's her chip's* lay off the snacks and *take's a candy bar that was in Brianna's shorts* with the extra workouts the weight should come right off

Brianna: What if it doesn't?

Britney: *look's at Winnie who crossed her arm's she sigh looking away* Put it this way Pacific Vista's never had a fat cheerleader *look's at Brianna*

(Brianna stood there a bit shocked then glance and the girl's before storm away Britney feeling guilty)

Amber: Wow Brit why didn't you just rip out her belly ring? That would've been less painful *walk's away Britney wanted to go after her but Winnie stop's her*

Winnie: Don't worry that's exactly how I would have handled it *walk's away Britney sigh*

Y/n: Don't worry B I've got you

(Later the two sister's took Britney's car home listening to the Radio a song of Rihanna's was playing [ I will be using <> for the radio])

<Man: There it was, another number one hit from Rihanna now attention all high school cheerleaders Rihanna is hosting an audition for her TV special *Britney whoo'd* so if you think you have what it takes pay attention you can download the contest rules right now on now with more hits brace yourself here they come KXKB SoCal->

(Britney parked her car next to Y/n's bike and they walked inside the house Britney lays her bag and shipping bag down walking into another room)

Britney: Hi mommy

Y/n: Hi mom

Pam: Hey girl's

Britney: Guess what? We're going to be on television

Pam: What?

Y/n: Yup *see's there dad* Hi dad

Britney: Oh hi daddy

Tim: Oh hey princesses

Britney: *they walk over* What are you doing home?

Tim: Um... *stood up* How was school girl's?

Britney: School was school

Y/n: By school you mean boring

Pam: How was cheerleading practice?

Britney: Great as usual the squad loves my new routine and plus we're audition for a TV show

Pam: Oh, Britney honey that sounds fantastic did you hear that Tim?

Tim: Yes Pam

Pam: TV

Tim: I heard...

Y/n/: *know's something is up* What's wrong?

Tim: Umm...

Pam: Girl's your father lost his job and we're gonna have to take a pay cut

Tim: The uh... The company's relocating to Crenshaw Heights *Y/n already knows what he was thinking but poor Britney didn't understand*

Britney: Oh, daddy you'll have such a long commute

Tim: No I won't Britney we *look's at Pam* are moving to Crenshaw Heights

Britney: *hug's her parents* I'm really going to miss you guy's

Tim: I said we are All moving to Crenshaw Heights

Britney: Are you insane? I just made captain and Y/n dance captain

[I was in a lot of sports but I'm going with dance for this story tho some people might go for dance team or starlets still kind of the same but different name tittles]

Tim: Honey it's still early in the year you'll both just transfer to another school

Pam: Honey you're both smart, you're both pretty, you're both blonde you'll make plenty of friends it'll be fine

Britney: Yeah fine for you guy's you're old your life is over

Y/n: Oof...

Britney: I am a senior my boyfriend's a quarterback and I'm a cheerleader, damn it!

(Next day at Pacific Vista High Y/n's practice)

Y/n: Alright everyone... i got some news you might not like.. I will be moving soon and I will have to step down as captain *squad sigh sad* So since we don't have a co-captain I will give my spot... To Bf/n *everyone claps*

Bf/n: Really Y/n? But why me?

Y/n: I've known you all these years and I know you'll keep this squad together and make them winners thus year... It will be our 4th winning streak at State *everyone cheers* now... One last dismissal for your former captain? *they all gathered around putting there hand's in the middle* ready? Pirates I believe that we will achieve!

Dance Team: I believe that we will achieve!

Y/n, Dance team: S-T-A-T-E state, state, state S-T-A-T-E state, state, state S-T-A-T-E state, state, state

Y/n: pirates on 3 1,2,3

Y/n, Dance team: PIRATES!

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