New School

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(Soon after moving to there new home Britney offered to give her sister a ride to there new school tho Y/n new she just doesn't want to walk in the new school alone so there off to there new school to meet new people as Y/n enjoys the cool breeze "How kool is that" by Kristy Frank begins to play and Britney begins to sing as Y/n laughed at her sister acting a bit silly once they arrive at the new school Crenshaw Heights Britney parks her car still singing she puts up her hood of car then turns off her car Y/n grabs her satchel from the back then hears the bell ring)

Britney: OMG

Y/n: What?

Britney: *a bit embarrassed* N-nothing... Let's go

(The sister's begin walking together side by side to the main building till Y/n got a sense she swoop her hand back to catch a boys wrist tho Britney didn't know she got smacked in the ass gasping in disbelief Y/n let's the boy go)

Britney: Hey!

Tyson: Yo pop-tarts you got any blacking in you? *Y/n raised a brow as a for real look*

Britney: No

Tyson: *like bottom lips step closer to the sister's* You want some? *Britney gasp stumbled back into someone but Y/n didn't notice*

Y/n: Please you don't even look man enough to be near a "Pop-tart"

Tyson: I like them feisty~

Y/n: Then you really won't like it when I leave you on the streets bleeding

Jesse: Damn *Y/n glance at him there eye's locked for a moment a smile spread across his face*

(Y/n turn's around walking away to join her sister who seems stuck in place)

Y/n: You okay B?

Britney: I feel scared maybe a little nauseous but I definitely don't feel lucky

Y/n: *soft smile softly shake's her head* come on *lead's the way in they see a metal detector she place her satchel down at one of the detectors as Britney tried to just normally walk throw setting off the alarm the man takes her bags*

Britney: What is this LAX? *spread out her arm she's being scanned till it beeps* I have me ear's pierced *he goes more down to her belly* Hello Sherlock *lift shirt* another piercing *he gose a bit down where her pocket is* They're my *pulls out keys* Keys you perv

Security male: Would you give the girl her bags? *Britney grabs her bags to storm off*

Y/n: Sorry about my sister *gose after Britney*

(Soon the sister's got there new schedules they have different classes Y/n knocked on the door)

Male: Come in *yelled from inside classroom Y/n walks in all eye's were on her* Class meet Y/n Allen she's a transfer from Pacific Vista High now if you may take your seat

(Y/n walked to the only empty desk near the window lucky for her she sees the 2 same guy's from earlier)

Tyson: Hey Pop-tart nice to see you again

Y/n: Oh bite me *opened her note book Tyson chuckles looking back at the whiteboard till the guy on her left tapped her shoulder she looks at him*

Jesse: Hey sorry about Tyson

Y/n: It's fine

Jesse: *small smile* Im Jesse *hand out to her*

Y/n: *shake's his hand* You already know my name *small smile release his hand* it's nice to meet you tho

<Man: *On P.A* Good Morning Crenshaw Heights excuse me just a few announcement today uh Coach Carter->

(Y/n pulls our her headphones to put them on she listen to music while looking out the window lare she felt a tap on her shoulder she turn's to look to see Jesse mouths something she take's off her headphones)

Y/n: What?

Jess: *chuckles* I asked what are you listening to?

Y/n: Why?

Jesse: *shrugs* I just wanna know

Y/n: "Dale pa' tra" by Notch

Jesse: So your a latina?

Y/n: *soft chuckles* No I just love different languages of the music like there's a certain beat that connects to the mind of the listener

Jesse: Wow so you like music?

Y/n: Well what's life without a bit of music? *puts back her headphones look's out the window Jesse scoffs smiling he look's away from her she glance at him and smiles looking away*

(Soon the bell ringed for lunch Y/n was looking for her sister since she hasn't seen her so she went to the restroom it was empty people were walking down the halls since lunch was over she open the door to only end up hitting something she react fast to catch the person surprise surprise it was Jesse)

Y/n: We meet again Jesse *help's him stand straight*

Jesse: You know for a girl your strong

Y/n: Well I was a heavy lifter in my old school for powerlifting

Jesse: Wow remind me to stay on your good side *both chuckle then Y/n get a call*

Y/n: Excuse me* walks away* Hey B, you good?

//Britney: Not really I just wanted to know if we can meet up for the peprally they have today//

Y/n: Sure just tell me your location

(Soon the sister's sit on the bench watching the cheerleaders preform as the student body cheer for them the Y/n spots a familiar boy in the cheer squad)

Britney: Come on Y/n

(Britney got up Y/n grabs her bag gearing an announcement)

<Female: Cheerleading tryouts tomorrow after school in the north gym now you're warriors JV team!>

(As Y/n walks to catch up with her sister she see's her taking to a guy cheerleader friendly she smiled and gave the two space till she heard a familiar voice)

Jesse: Damn you must really be into me to be following me around all day

Y/n: I didn't know you were a cheerleader

Jesse: It's noy usually the first thing I tell a girl

Y/n: How come?

Jesse: 'Cause the cute ones don't really go for queerleaders

Y/n: Ah I see well im nor cute or a cheerleader so you're safe pal

Jesse: You're right you're not cute... You're more then that *worm smile she smile* Tho you're biceps are as hard as a rock you got a little bit of a turn-out but too many muscles for a dancer so it's a gymnast or cheerleader tho guess not a cheerleader and you got a nice ass too

Y/n: Wow not creepy at all *both laugh* Tho you were right Im a dancer 3 time State champion *Britney and the male cheerleader walks over to join them*

Male cheerleader: You both coming to tryouts?

Y/n: Nope

Britney: No I can never cheer again

Jesse: Why not? *Y/n also wants to know too*

Britney: I swore that I... It's complicated

Camille: Don't even waste your time boy's they can't hang

Male cheerleader: Camille you don't even know them

Camille: Oh I know them miss fancys-fingernails-shimmy-shimmy-lip-gloss-barbies they don't got what it takes to be a warrior

Britney: Look my old squad would have made yours look like newbies

Camille: Prove it

Jesse: Yeah show us what you both got

Camille: Or what they don't got

Britney: And if we make the squad? *Y/n never agreed*

Camille: Not likely

Britney: Not interested *take's Y/n's hand as they walk away*

Camille: Keep running white girl you ain't foolin' nobody

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