The past (pt 3)

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Visenya had been on edge, every person in Dorne knew she had survived the fire and earned four dragons from it.

She eyed around the castle, soon enough the Martells would come to claim back their castle, unless they chose her to rule

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She eyed around the castle, soon enough the Martells would come to claim back their castle, unless they chose her to rule. Loud screeches we're heard from her new chamber. Visenya sighed before entering it.

Her dragons had been restless through the days, it had only been a week since the fire and her dragons were already growing rapidly. Visenya wondered which dragon laid them if it wasn't Balerion, it had to have been a very large dragon since the way they were growing.

"Tsk, tsk," Visenya reached for some meat pieces to feed them, yet they denied it. "You have to eat. That's what the other dragons eat." Visenya pleaded with her dragons that had no idea what she was talking about.

Visenya huffed before she noticed her largest dragon, Vermelha, was trying to eat the meat. Visenya thought for a second, it was raw. She had realized. Dragons burn their food.

"Dracarys," Visenya had spoke, Vermelha looked up to her confused, so Visenya kept repeating the word. Soon enough, her biggest dragon understood her word, causing her to breath out fire onto the small piece of meat.

Visenya squealed happily, "Sȳz!" (Good in Valyrian) Her other dragons had copied Vermelha's reaction as they all began to feed by the word 'dracarys'. Visenya smiled, now she had something to live for.


Another week has past, Visenya had allowed her dragons to fly anywhere they would like, she knew they were meant to be free, not chained up. A knock was heard at her door, "My lady, the Martells are here." Visenya sighed at the words, "Alright." She spoke softly, containing her worry.

Reaching outside the window she spoke, "Zaldrīzoti, māzigon!" (Dragons, come!) She heard soft chitters as flaps were heard, soon enough her dragons were perched on her.

Two on her shoulders, two on her arms. Visenya smiled as she began to head for her chamber door. Visenya's guard took her and her dragons to where the Martells were. Maybe she could convince them to allow her to rule, she thought.


"Visenya Targaryen, second of her name, the mother of dragons." Her guard had spoken as she entered a large room filled with the Martells. Visenya smiled as they all turned to face her.

Quickly moving forward, she had sat on the chair her husband was supposed to sit on, and she was supposed to stand next to him.

"You have come to discuss who will sit on the throne, hm?" Visenya spoke loud and proud as her dragons groomed themselves on her.

"Yes, that we have." The grandmother of Visenya's now deceased husband had spoke. Visenya smiled, "Well, it's not the iron throne but it is a throne." She stroked the chair she sat on.

"You shouldn't be sitting there. You aren't a Martell." One angry Martell spoke. Visenya faked a gasp, "Then who should?" She asked while smiling. The man had cleared his throat, "I should. I am the rightful heir if my brothers son died."

"Hm. So you're the uncle to the cunt I had to marry?" Visenya tilted her head innocently. All the Martells had gasped and began to show their anger.

"Listen," Visenya stood from the chair, causing her dragons to screech. The Martells backed away in fear, "I'm going to be your queen, if you deny, I'll burn you alive." She smiled.

"You have no power over us. Your dragons are still young to do anything." The uncle of her husband had spoken, he spit on the ground.

"Maybe, let's test it out, shall we?" Visenya smirked as she let her dragons fly around. "Good luck!" She shouted as she exited the large room. Before Visenya had fully left she stuck her head back in and spoke a quick word, "Dracarys."

Her dragons had listened to her words, lighting up the people in flames as they screamed and banged on the door. "End of the Martells," She shrugged as she walked towards the outer doors, now she had all the power.

Although Visenya didn't necessarily wanted to kill anyone, they sat by as she was forced to stay in her chambers by her husband as he beat and raped her. She knew it was good to extinguish the world from the terrible Martells, so that's what she did.

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