"Over there why" she is still confused.

"I need to check if she has taken her meds hold on" I say while frantically looking through her stuff.

"Shit" she hasn't taken them today.

"What, what's wrong" Molly is now concerned.

"Ok so Alli is on meds for neurocardiogenic syncope, basically she has to have it 2 times a day one in the morning after breakfast and the second after dinner. But she hasn't had it today and she is most likely passed out somewhere in the school and she can't wake up without her meds being given to her. Shut where is she" Molly looks shocked.

"Calm down we can tell the boys, pansy, Daphne and Luna to help up look for her. We can all split up and then message each other when we find her."

With that we run out of the dorm straight into the common room. God where could she be.

Molly tells the others and they're faces change, they look panicked.

We all head out of the common room splitting up I head to the library cause that's where she most likely will be.

I head to the library and she is not there, I even snuck into the restricted section.

So I message the group chat.

👑 Slytherin kings and queens 👑

I'm in the library she isn't here
has anyone found her

Molly ⭐️
I'm in the great hall
I can't find her anywhere

Daphne 🎉
Im in the charms classes
I've checked transfiguration and
DADA but she is at in any

Pansy 🫡
Im in the woods with Draco
but it doesn't look like she is
here but where going to continue
looking for her incase she is here

Theo 💄
Im in the courtyard it doesn't look like
She is here but I'm looking in the bushes
In case she fell when passing out

Blaise 🧠
Im in the dungeons checking all the

Enzo 🐓
Im in the main corridors looking for her
I don't think she is here but it's better to
Ok well I'm going to check in the hospital
wing incase someone saw her passed out
and brought her here
Mattheo where are you?

I'm heading to the astronomy tower
It's unlikely she is there but let us know
if she is alright
I will

Mattheo's POV

I honestly love the astronomy tower I think it's cause when I was younger me and Molly would look at astrology books and learn about the planets and the stars.

I'm at the bottom of the tower here comes the steps. I'm getting closer to the top of the spiral staircase when I see a foot.

I get to the top to realise that it's Allison Fuck. "Allison shit" I say running over to her.

I check her neck she has a pulse just a very weak one, I lift up her head and put my ear to her mouth ok she is breathing but I need to get her to the hospital wing.

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