But I am yet a Human.

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Born and raised from Different perspectives
You are introduced to this so call Life
Something that is granted only once per human
Something that is truly your own.

Life is somewhat meaningless
Without YOU who gives it a meaning,
So what if we stumble and fall?
At some point won't we all?.

We view those without nobility
As the lowest of the lows
But those that grew from rags to riches
Outshines others and truly grows.

We make mistakes, mistakes that is hard to accept making
Whilst not realising
That I am but a human..

We breath the same air
But we are not in the same shoes
We live on the same earth
But we act as if we don't

I am only human acts as an excuse
Excuse to our unwilliness 
We all want something but we don't want to work to get it
We all want to be the best version of ourselves,
But why are we stuck lacking?

This poetry maybe just words to some
Or maybe some food for thoughts for others
I am no God nor a Preacher
But I am yet a Human too..

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