Chapter 9: Doctor's visit

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..I didn't understand why. Why would Alexander leave his empire, his home? I had so many questions, yet at that time, my mind went blank.
I.. guess I was just in a state of pure shock, at that face, I'd never seen Alex make.

Susie quickly got away from the guards, sneaking behind me and running to hug Alexander.

"Alex, buddy!! It's been so long! How are-"

-And Alex knocked her out.
I froze as Susie just flopped to the floor, while Alexander took a few steps away from her, his face filled with disgust and hatred.

I didn't understand.. anything. I denied any sort of change before, I thought he would be the same.
And.. yet, I was wrong. So, so wrong.

"Guards, get that.. thing away from me and drag it like it's a stubborn child." He spat out at the guards, walking around Susie's body and leaving, wiping some dust off of his cape.

..I was stunned. Completely stunned.
"THING?!" To his cousin?! What in Medina's name did he mean by that?!

Socket also seemed to have seen the sight, based on the expression on his face. And yet, surprisingly... Sumi didn't seem fazed at all. Her interest wasn't piqued.

I looked around at the crowd, and they all looked unimpressed as well. I didn't understand at all. Why did they all seem like it was normal for them? Like Susie was someone different from them?

It seemed I got distracted a moment because the two guards from before were picking up Susie and bringing her somewhere. I tried to interfere, grabbing one of the guard's arms-

"What do you think you're doing?! Where are you taking her?!"

"That is none of your business. Now let go, or you will suffer consequences."

"It is my business because that is my friend. You can't just take her without her doing anything."

"I will ask one more time. Stop trying to save it and go with your friend over there."

"I beg your pardon, 'it'?! Susie is NOT an it!"

"I've warned you."

Everything quickly went black, I didn't understand much of what happened after... and when I woke up, I found myself in a bed, the type you'd see in medical rooms. I jolted up, panting heavily and looking around, taking in the description of the room and trying to figure out where I was.

I also saw Socket laying on another bed close to me, still seeming asleep. I assume he was knocked out too. He probably tried to defend me and Susie but got knocked out as well.
Or, that's just my guess on what he'd do...

I slowly got up, feeling a bit lightheaded. I think I had gotten up a bit too fast. I held onto a counter while quickly regaining my senses.
I slowly walked over to Socket, giving him a gentle push, yet.. he didn't wake up.

No, no, he wasn't dead, his pulse was fine and so was his breathing. (I checked, I panicked that day..)

He's just a... REALLY heavy sleeper.
So, I picked him up carefully into my arms, as it was really easy.
He's underweight, but I've been trying to get him to eat more. (And it's working, too!)

I walked out of the room, seeing this looked like someone's house. How kind of them, to keep us here when we probably looked like outcasts...
I couldn't help but want to thank them, so I looked for something to give as a small thank you.

I didn't have anything, so I took a piece of paper the person had on a desk and a small pen.
I wrote a thank you and left it on a table.

I noticed there was a bit of buckwheat porridge on the kitchen table, I think it was called 'Kasha'? Alexander had it often! So that means the owner of this house must have been Russian.

Oh, wait, I was getting off-topic. I still have to find Susie... where even was she, anyway?

Susie Kamoshi's POV:

Uh.. where... am I??

I think to myself, walking around this dark forest. I don't know where I am or what happened either. All I remember is my bud Alex knocking me out aaand I saw black.

I stop.
Hold on, am I.. DEAD???!!

I curl up into a ball, rocking myself back and forth while sobbing.

"NOoo!! I don't-" I sniff, "-wAnna be dead!!"

Where even are my buds, Eliott and Sock?!? I'm all aloOoone!!
I don't wanna be alone again! Not anymore!

I feel a hand wipe away my tears, I quickly look up and see a tall man.
And.. wow, he was tall!! He looked like he was 9 ft tall!

The cool guy takes off his jacket and wraps me in it, even though it was.. a bit.. no, WAY too big. It was like a huge blanket...

"Th-Thank you, mister! What's your name?? I'm Susie Kamoshi!!" I say happily, wanting to learn about this pretty boy.

The man sits next to me, but his face went red. I wonder why, so I poke his face.

"Hey, hey, your face is red. Are you sick?? Cold maybe?" I ask, still poking his face. He didn't answer still, which kind of annoys me...
So, I keep poking his face until he gives me an answer.

"..I'm practically wearing the Summer, I don't think I'll be cold..." The man paused, before quickly speaking again. "..I'm... sorry for not answering sooner. I'm Eiectio. Dr. Eiectio Kiji."

"Woahh, you're a doctor?!" I ask in excitement, slightly jumping as I hold onto the man's arm. "What's it like? How many patients do you usually get? Wha-"

"Hey, hey, calm down! I.. can't answer that many questions at once, I'm sorry.." The man tells me in a soft tone, patting my head. His face only seems to get more red, though...

"Ouh, okay, sorry!!" I giggle, asking questions one by one.

I didn't even realize the sun went up again, I've been here for a while...

"Aaahh!! I'm sorry, friend!! I have to go find my buds, I completely forgot!!" I quickly say, getting up and sprinting off.

"Oh, w- okay, bye..!" The pretty guy waves, also getting up and going somewhere else.

..Now, to find the others!

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