"He is like suffocated. The bad news that we got made him upset," Arisu said.

"About what? What a bad news?" Sena asked seriously

"Many beasts want to kills innocent humans. We have to protect innocent souls," answered

Boogie sighed heavily. Are wild beasts worked together with Gackt and Oniba? Is there in Boogie's mind now. He already had new plan for next. Minister and elder still meeting in west aula. Boogie suddenly faint because feels dizzy.

About wild beast's isn't a rumor, it's really happened. Maybe as disaster or catastrophe. Kamijo and Royal Kingdom Family accept the guest as alliance.

"This is Grand Prince Edward, Prince Rondo and Princess Aiko," Elder Wan said.

The young married couple are shocked seeing Boogie, Rondo and Aiko are safe from the tragedy on July 26, 1625.

"Their parents, King Marian and Queen Alexandra are the victim of the tragedy on July 26, 1625 . They are have been live with King Hyde's family. The kingdom's current rule is King Kamijo, King Hyde's elder son," Elder Wan explained.

"It's our honored you're arrival in here, and we can be alliance to against our enemies and villains," Boogie said.

Boogie knew about the woman, and he acts usually, not act cool. They are meeting at eat aula of Orde Arcade. Kamijo in there too.

"I can rule the kingdom for more long time, it's my father's willing," Kamijo said

Others are come, especially Arisu. Arisu gives honored head's bow. Arisu tries not nervous seeing them. And she knows the woman is Lizabeth, Boogie's ex-girlfriend and she married to the man.

"Never mind, have the time in this place. This place has more 100 bedrooms. Let's we have lunch together," Kamijo said.

"Ah, as your wish, Your Majesty," Mr. Smith said.


Lunch bouquet with variant grade. So crowded. Ricko, Zyean, Ryu and Sena known Lizabeth well too. The couple married for four years but they aren't still have children yet. Arisu and Boogie has strong charisma and best relationship. Lizabeth is little envy about Arisu's beauty. Aiko says Arisu is Boogie's lover. Rondo pouring red wine on his glass. Zyean, Ricko and Sena dislike Lizabeth during Boogie and Lizabeth were as lovers. Boogie has cruel past love with Lizabeth, and fortunately he can forget.

"Oh, sorry I have to bathroom," Arisu said.

Boogie nodded. And he can handle this situation with his strong aura. Sena pouring tea to many cups. A few moments later, Arisu back and continued eating her lunch meal.

"I always believe Arisu can in by myside forever, because I really love her," Boogie said

"Desserts are available. Mini strawberries pies and cookies made by Mayu," Arisu said.

"These desserts are so delicious," Lizabeth said.

After lunch, the knights guardian including Boogie, Arisu and others are exercising in backyard. Boogie can serious and focus in this time

"I can be more powerful than before, maybe with meditation," said.

"Not only with meditation, but Yoga, can balancing your emotions,' Arisu said.

Boogie obeyed, and he feels some woman looking at him. It's Lizabeth, but the young man doesn't care her anymore.

"You're nosebleed," Arisu said.

"Or maybe I wasted my energies a lot," Boogie said.

Arisu gives tissue to Boogie. They are rest for a while. For 15 minutes. Arisu massaging her boyfriend's shoulders and they are drinking Monster Energy Drink. Lizabeth is jealous seeing Arisu and Boogie's relationship.

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