~Episode 3: Raksasa Gurunda~

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/the black screen faded into a scene where they can see that Bbb and Gopal running in some place that was filled with sand? It then zoom close to Bbb's face

Bbb: [panting] "Run, Gopal! Run!"/

The elementals instantly perk up when they heard their owner is in danger while Amato looks at the screen with a worrisome look while the people watch in confusion...

/Gopal: [tears while panting] "Amma! Appa! Tolong!!" [Still panting] "I regret this, Bbb! I really regret this!" [Wailing]

Bbb: [also panting] "Too late for that now, Gopal! Focus on getting out alive!"

Bbb can be heard whining in the distance while the scene was showing that they were definitely in a desert area, and then zoom out to see a planet which is color beige/

"What kind of situation did you involve Ori this time, huh!?" Halilintar shouted, making it echoing the whole theatre which made everyone flinched, and Gopal just kept crying in anime "Calm down, Hali. We do not want to make a scene, especially in front of Ori," Gempa exclaim making Halilintar sit back down with an angry look

This also made everyone sigh in relief, not wishing to see the thunder element on action when he's angry, or worst than Api's situation in the past.

/5 Hours Ago-

The scene changed to Koko Ci on a stage giving a speech

Koko Ci: "Gentlemen and Power Spheras. We gathered here this morning to inaugurate two new cadets in TAPOPS. Bbb and Gopal!/

The agents smiled brightly along with Amato who ruffles Bbb's hair, proud of him for making his decision to join TAPOPS in the future

/Koko Ci: " Their duty... Is to travel across the galaxy, to seek and rescue Power Spheras. Hopefully they will- [interrupted by Gopal]

Gopal: "Dey, make it quick, Cici Ko. I'm tired of hearing you blabbering."/

Gopal got smacked by the head from Ying " That's very disrespect of you, don't you know what a speech is!?" She crossed her arms as Gopal whined in pain, the gang facepalmed while humans just shook their heads, as for the agents, they just gave a blank expression to Gopal and Koko Ci just gave him a glare

/Koko Ci: "Huh? What did you say?!" [Brings out his rod? And whoops Gopal's arm]

Gopal: "Aduh! Sakit lah!" (That hurts!)

Koko Ci: "Moving on, Motobot. Bring them their badge."

Motobot: [holding a tray with two TAPOPS badges] "Yes, commander." [Walks with Koko Ci to Bbb and Gopal]

Koko Ci: [takes the badge and place agressively on Gopal's chest]

Gopal: "Aduhh!"/

"Why pin so agressively?" Gopal frowned "Weren't you being rude a few seconds ago?" Fang gave the BOMBASTIC side eye to Gopal who nervously scratch his neck

/Koko Ci: [takes the other badge and place it on Bbb but gently]

Bbb: [the badge shines]/

Gopal grumbled as he saw the commander pinned the badge gently on Bbb. The elementals were smiling proudly at their owner, one of the them had the urge to hug him but was kept to himself.

/Bbb: "Wah! This badge look so cool!" [Koko Ci snatched the badges away] "Eh?"

Gopal: [Gopal's too] "Huh?"

Koko Ci: "Hmph! Enough. Give me those, we need them for the new batch of cadets."/

The agents facepalmed while the elementals started to gave the side eye to the commander "Seriously?" Blaze complained as he crossed his arms

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