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Clay's POV

It was like I'd been trapped in a glass bubble watching her struggle with her grief, finding her joy in the pregnancy, and then hearing her call out to me.

"Go to her," a voice said, "Not even death can separate you now."

I felt myself being pulled toward her, the words she spoke that day flowing from my lips. "Out of time, out of space, the wheel turns anew, we are bound in blood and love." She looked like a true goddess laying there surrounded by her mates and the babies. "I'm here, my goddess," I told her as I held her hand and pressed a kiss to her head. I felt so much love for her and from each of them as they all greeted me with a reassuring touch or word. Then, well then, I got to see my son enter the world and I knew this is where I'm meant to be.

I cut the cord and lifted him to my chest as I sobbed. She held my hand as Luke gave me a chair to sit closer to her. We all helped her hold the babies against her chest for skin-to-skin contact as well. "How are you here?" she sobbed, her eyes filled with wonder.

"I...I'm not really sure myself. It's like I've been watching all along, and then there was this voice that told me to come here. She said that not even death can separate us." I kissed her hand, "All I know is that if you all will have me, I'm never leaving you again, Zia."

She looked down at our son, "What do you think Damion?" I swear my son smiled. "Yeah, me too," she said and looked up at me. "You're staying."

"Fuck yes he is," Gabe added, "Told ya," he grinned as he picked up his little girl and began singing to her.

I felt the tears in my eyes and the love in my heart as I looked at my wife and my family - my home. 

Author's Notes:  Thanks for going on this odd journey with me.  The book went a far different path than what I had intended in the beginning, but I like it overall.

See you on the next one!

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