Chapter 57

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Callie's POV

"Zia and Zilla are our daughters. You know them as Calista and Sang," Lilith said, looking straight at me.

I'm sure I looked like an idiot as I stared at the goddess before me. Lilith, the mother of demons, the oldest of all the goddesses, just told me I was her daughter. And furthermore, Sang, the woman who destroyed the lives of my beloved and has made it her mission to destroy me is my twin sister. 

What the actual fuck...

I felt strong arms lifting me and a comforting scent filled my nose. Axel. My calm in the storm, the first man to show me unconditional love in this lifetime. I leaned into his arms and let my sobs break free. I closed my eyes and just wanted the world to vanish for a few moments. "Princess, please don't cry," he said softly, stroking my hair as he held me tightly. "It's okay, Callie. This doesn't change anything. We all still love and want you. You are ours and you are carrying our children." He lifted my face and I saw his truth in those beautiful green eyes. "You are mine, Callie - you always have been," he said, then pressed his lips to mine firmly.

When the kiss broke, I looked around at the others. Each of them looked at me with the same love and affection that Axel did. I felt my body relax just a bit, well, until I looked at Sam and Lilith. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked them.

Sam looked heartbroken and just shook his head, but Lilith spoke. "Please, don't blame Samael. He had no idea until you returned from your sister's trap, and even then, he didn't know she was your sister. He and I had split up when I discovered I was pregnant. I knew if I told Samael he would return, but Hecate is not known for her kindness, and I feared she would try to harm you both. In my own blind fear, I thought it better to get the two of you away from the darkness, away from your true nature. I truly believed I was giving the two of you a chance at a normal life - a human life, but something went wrong." She reached out her hand to me. I hesitantly took it. "The last time I saw you and your sister, you were about nineteen. The two of you were living in a small village in the Pyrenees mountains. It was before the Roman Empire fully developed. Then you both simply vanished. Until Samael contacted me a few days ago, I had no idea the two of you still lived."

"Lived," I scoffed. "Try lived, died, and lived on repeat for thousands upon thousands of years. She has tortured and murdered me again and again along with my unborn children, and I don't even know why!" I screamed. "How dare you waltz in here and play the 'I was trying to protect you' card when all you did was start this insane cycle by abandoning us! Did it ever cross your mind that if our parents had been there, we might actually have been real sisters to each other?"

"Calista, stop!" Gabriel growled, his eyes glowing crimson. I huffed and glared at him. "Look around, chérie. You're pulling from them."

I stared in confusion until I looked at the guys. They looked like they were about to collapse. That's when I realized I felt better than I had in days. Oh fuck... " did I do that?" I stammered, looking back to Gabe and then to Lilith.

"It's who you are," she replied. "Every child Samael and I ever created was either incubus or succubus. When Gabriel fed you his essence in the pocket dimension, he activated your succubus inadvertently."

"I'm so sorry ma chérie, I thought I was helping," he said woefully.

"You were helping. We just didn't know the consequences," I told him softly. "Besides, I should apologize to you. It's my fault Sang did this to you, to all of you."

"No, it isn't," Owen said firmly. "I told you before, this isn't your fault. You cannot take on the burden of another's decisions. Sang's actions are her own and not your fault. Whatever grudge she holds is on her shoulders, not ours and most definitely not yours." His steel eyes flared as he spoke, his wolf close to the surface.

Axel whispered in my ear, "I would die a thousand deaths to have even five minutes with you, Princess." I felt my chest tighten as he kissed my throat.

"How far back was Cailleach able to take you?" Sam asked.

Kota raised his hand, "I was the last, well sort of. Was any of Gabriel and Callie's dream pocket real?"

"No. Clay even tried to question her about it," Gabe replied. "She said we were getting too close. Clay tainting both of us was her idea of a distraction. Neither of them realized I'd be able to control it."

"Wait, you said she was clan-bound," Nate said, "What the heck does that even mean?"

I looked at Gabe and waited as he seemed to struggle to respond, but it was Sam that spoke. "Demons and their claims are clan-bound to each other. It carries the same weight as a matebond, but without the emotional connection. For demons, it is purely sexual. By binding Gabe, Clay also bound Callie to the clan through their matebond."

"So you're saying she is mate to the clan?" Raven asked.

"In a way, yes," Sam sighed, his shoulders slumping.

"Can you break it?" Corey asked.

"I can break my bond," Gabe said. "My magic is stronger than his, but I can't break hers."

Lilith laughed, "She isn't bound. The daughter of the original succubus cannot be claimed by a clan. She can't actually be forced into any bond. If she forms one it is because she wants it." Her eyes shone with pride as she looked at me. Despite my anger, I felt a moment of warmth toward her. I marveled at the fact that this terrifying goddess was really my mother and Sam...that the same demon that had rescued me was actually my father.

"Wait, Clay said something about being bound to her before, but he wouldn't explain it," Gabe responded.

"Is it safe for Cailleach to continue the regressions? I need to understand what happened to me and my sister," I said.

The goddess shook her head, "Absolutely not. She lacks the power to detect your sister's magic. However, if you want to continue, I will be your shield. Sam can send you back, and your men will help anchor you and each mate that enters the timeline."

"Lilith, are you sure you want to do this? To watch what her sister has done to her - can you really stand by and watch it unfold - and not interfere?" Sam asked her, placing his hand on hers. A look of remorse passed over her face. She pulled her hand away and nodded.

"I have to. Zia, I mean Callie deserves answers. For that matter, we all do. We need to know what happened to understand what is to come," she smiled at me, her eyes focusing on my stomach, "Besides, we need to know how to protect our grandbabies too."

Sam snorted, "Grandma Lilith...that's gonna be fun."

"Yes it will be, Grandpa Sam," she smirked as he paled at the realization.  

Author's Notes:  A badass goddess and a crossroads demon as grandparents...hehehehe...this should be interesting...

The HuntedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora